Bonus chapter!!!

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Here's a bonus chapter!!!

Third person POV

"Dead."  Carl said with no emotion.  They've lost so many people, Sophia, Dale, Shane.  And yet this one hurt them the most.  Everyone was in tears, she impacted on everyone.  So they decided to have a funeral.  They put grave stones in the ground and stood around if. Hershel got out his bible and read some parts from it then everyone said there own words.

"I didn't know Casey as much as you guys did.  But the time I spent with her, she treated me like I was part of her family.  She was always so mysterious, brave, and she was sweet.  She will be missed very dearly."  Hershel said wiping the tears away.

"Casey was always there for me even when I was angry at her.  Once Sophia died she was the next thing I had like a daughter.  She tried to save my baby girl, even though it didn't turn out good.  She still tried and I love and miss her more now."  Carol said.

"I barely knew the girl, we didn't talk much.  But when we did she was mostly independent and brave.  She was also one scary little girl.  She's one of the best little girls I knew."  Daryl said.

"That girl saved my life.  She was always smiling but when she wasn't, none of us were.  She was always the light up of our day and she will be missed."  T Dog said.

"I didn't know her that well either but she saved my life, twice.  She kicked through a door to save my life.  And stopped me from a huge mistake.  I will miss her." Beth said.

"I didn't know her that well too. But she saved my sister life's and gave me hope when no one else did.  She was just a little miracle. And no one can replace her."  Maggie said.

"Casey to be honest scared me.  She knew things I haven't told anyone, then her red eyes, and deep voice.  She was impossible and that's why I liked her."  Glenn said.

"She was a miracle, I agree.  She's done so much for me.  I couldn't keep anything from her without her knowing already. She saved my son's life so many times and I never got to thank her for everything she has done for the group. She was like a daughter to me and I loved her like she was. I will miss her so much." Lori said breaking into tears.

"Casey was also like a daughter to me. She saved Carl's life and she was always there for me. She would always fix my wounds and stop me from doing the wrong things. She was just always there, she was so sweet to all of us. Even though when she got mad, she got really angry, she would always calm down and control herself. I love her so much even if I didn't show it. I'm going to miss that girl." Rick said.

"I don't even know what to say. She was my best friend. And she was always there for me, protecting me and saving my life. She saved my life so many times I regret not saving hers. She told me she loved me and I told her I loved her. And in that moment she was more then my friend. She's saved my life, risking hers. And I just loved her so much, and I miss her." Carl said breaking into full tears.

"We have to plan where we're going and what we'll do for the winter.  The nights are getting cold and we need to have a plan."  Rick said and everyone nodded.

They planned out what they would for the next few days.  They got in the cars and headed out on the roads.  Rick, Lori, and Carl's car were I front leading the way.  They drove on and it got dark.  They kept driving even though they could barely see they went on, thinking of her.

A body appeared in the road but they thought it was a walker. The head started to move up facing them and Rick stopped instantly once they saw the glow of red eyes.

No one but Rick saw what he saw. 

"Why did we stop?"  Lori asked.  Rick grabbed a flashlight and opened the door.  He ran out pointing the flashlight at the one and only Casey.

"Rick!"  She said running up to him, more like limping.  Rick landed in his knees opening his arms as Casey hugged him.  He didn't even care she was covered in blood.

"It's Casey!"  Rick yelled.  Everyone got out of their cars in disbelief thinking he was imaging it.

"Casey!"  Carl yelled with the biggest smile on his face.  Casey got up but instantly fell down.

"Hershel!"  Rick yelled as Hershel came up and looked at her. 

"She's got scratches and bite marks all over her.  She must be really strong to even getting this far.  She's lost a lot of blood."

"Take mine! Take my blood!"  Carl said.

"No Carl."  Rick said.

"No dad, it's my turn to save her life.  I'm doing this and you can't stop me."  Carl said putting out his arm.  Hershel took her bag and grabbed her medical supplies.  He took blood from Carl and put it into Casey.  Then he ripped off her shirt and looked at all of the marks.  There were three bite marks and a lot of scratches down her back and legs.

He stitched up what he could. He started with her arms and then the bite marks.  He didn't do that scratches because they weren't that bad.  The next day she woke in pain. She was on a blanket on the road.  She sat up looking around.

Casey's POV

"She's awake."  I heard Lori say.

"Lori."  I said as she came up beside me and lightly hugging me.  Carl came from around the car and he smiled.  I missed his smile so much. He ran up beside me and I wrapped my arms around him.

"How did you survive?" Rick asked as the others came around me.

"I ran for awhile until I found a good tree to climb before they got me. I was in the tree for awhile until I thought of something.  I figured out when my heart beat races my eyes turn red and I get weird strength so I held my breathe. Once my heart went faster I grabbed a walker that I stabbed it the head and gutted him and put the guts all over me.  Once they settled down I got down and slowly walked away and when I got far enough I ran.  Then I ended up here."  I explained. 

"We're all glad your alive.  But now we have to hit the road and see where it takes us."  Rick said.

"That's all we can do now, run."  I said.

I felt something change in me.  Something was different, but I guess that was just my life.  The life of the Immune.

SHES ALIVE!!! Be honest did I trick your did you see that coming?  So anyways there will be a sequel!! But I haven't came up with a name so if you could think of anything for me that would be great!  But then there's really sad news that I have to tell you guys but I'll put it in the next update of this story.  I love you guys so much, thanks for being awesome people!!!

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