The Nurse (Chapter 6)

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Casey's POV

"What do you mean I can't go?" I asked almost shouting. Lori shushed me shaking her head. I hope these people I know that they don't have control over me. "You don't own me."

"You need to rest."  Lori sighed and I groaned moving my arm showing them that I was perfectly fine to walk around the woods with the others. The worst that could happen, won't happen to me.

"But I want to help." 

"Casey, you and Carl are staying here with Dale and T Dog.  That is finale."  Shane said I rolled my eyes looking over to Carl who didn't seem to be happy either. He simply shrugged smiling a little, which made me take a deep breath the calm down.

"Fine."  I mumbled sitting down next to Carl. Rick looked between us then to Lori who was looking at them. I raised my eyebrow at him questioning why he was looking at me like that.

"We'll be back before sun down." Rick announced turning to look into the woods. I looked over at Carol who isolated herself from the group. She had her arms wrapped around herself, and her eyes were still red and puffy.

"Be careful out there and good luck."  Dale said patting Rick on the back. They gave each other a nod before looking at the others to see if they were ready.

"We'll need it."  Daryl mumbled loading his crossbow. A few minutes later they left.  Carl and I just sat in the tents playing this game we found while I heard Dale and T talk. I didn't want to listen in but it was hard not near in the silence of me and Carl's checkers game.

"Let me see it."  Dale said, I was confused of what he wanted to see. Especially since I was in a tent and didn't know what he was referring to.

"See what?"  T asked, he sounded confused but I wasn't convinced, neither was Dale.

"You're arm, it could be infected."  Dale informed as I heard T unwrap his bandage showing his wound. "That looks pretty bad."  Dale sighed, I realized that maybe I could help.

"Come with me." I said to Carl pushing the game away. We both got up and walked outside of the tents. The sun was blinding as we approached Dale and T Dog.

"You're supposed to be resting."  Dale narrowed his eyes at me then Carl. T was wrapping up his arm again so I couldn't get a glance at the wound and how bad it was.

"Yeah and the world is supposed to be normal, we don't always get what we want."  I said sarcastically.

"But really you should be." I honestly should be resting but I have a stubborn attitude so when I'm angry at someone and they tell me to do something, I try to do it.

"I just need to look at T's arm."  I said looking down at his covered wound. Dale gave him a nod before he unwrapped the bandage. I heard Carl wince from beside me at the sight of it. "That is very deep," I felt his pulse. "And your pulse is slow.  Did you loose a lot of blood, or experience any dizziness, nausea, anything like that?" I asked and they all were taken back at my sudden seriousness. I raised my eyebrow waiting for them to reply.

"Whoa, when did you get all medical?" T asked.

"Just answer the question."

"I did feel a little dizzy." He replied wiping sweat off his forehead.

"Yeah, you lost a lot of blood. What's your blood type?" I asked.

"O negative"

"Do you you guys have 0 negative?" I asked.  They shook there heads. "Well someone has to, we'll ask later but for now we should clean it." I said and T furrowed his eyebrows not really liking the idea of it.

"Wait what?"  T asked.

"Carl go get my bag."  He got my bag and I got out everything I needed.  "I don't have enough stitches to stitch you up.  But this will hurt, a lot."  I smiled and his face went blank.

I poured rubbing alcohol on a cloth.
"Warning this will sting like hell. On the count of three, ready. One... two..." And before I got to three I put the cloth on his wound.  He tried hard not scream, but he looked in pain letting out a pained groan. He was clutching a metal bar next to him.

"What happened to three?" He asked through his gritted teeth. I just chuckled a little picking up the cloth and dabbing it around the wound.

"Suck it up butter cup." I smiled popping the p in cup.

"Thanks a lot." He said sarcastically glaring at me.

"I'm here to help." I said with a fake smile.  I put a fresh bandage on his wound and went back to sleep.  Carl was at the other side of the tent sleeping too when I was woken up to foot steps.  I grabbed my axe and went out.  I crept around the corner and relieved the group had came back, no sign of Sophia.

"Question of the day, does anyone have 0 negative blood?" I asked as Carl came out of the tent yawning.

"I do, why would you need it?" Daryl stepped up, everyone focused between us wondering why I asked such a random question.

"T's wound, he lost a lot of blood." 

"Do you even know how to do it?" Daryl asked.

"Please of course I do, for the past five years I've been going to this nursing camp that my mom signed me up for.  Then after that my dad would sign me up for boot camp."  I said as if it was obvious. "How else would I survive on my own?"

"Fine, just don't mess up." 

"I won't."  I said getting the needle and everything I needed to take blood.  I put the alcohol on his arm and found a vein to take blood from.  Everyone just stood around watching while I put the blood into T's arm.  "And I'm done." I said.  Andrea started clapping for some reason and the others joined in. I gave them a smile confused on why they were celebrating me knowing how to do a basic task.

"Thank you." I said.  Later Rick gave me permission to go hunting with Daryl and Glenn. It felt good to be included in something that helped the whole group. It's been two days, I think this group is the one.

Rick's POV

"So, what do you think now?" Lori asked as we sat around the fire eating what they caught on their hunt for lunch.

"About what, Casey?  I don't know, there something different with her. I don't like her, but Carl does." I said as we looked over to them talking.

"I'm pretty sure she gets Sophia of his mind."

"Yeah, how's Carol?" I asked.

"A little better, just crying now and then. I really wish I could do something to help her."

"I think she just needs time alone."

"I don't know." She mumbled. I kept seeing Shane glance over to us, then at Carl and Casey. He's been silent lately, I wonder what's going on with him. I looked into the dark sky to see even darker clouds. There's a storm coming, and not a good one.

There's a storm coming! I hope you guys liked the chapter! The song is You Don't Own Me by Lesly Gore. Feel free to predict what will happen, or you thoughts on J ;) Vote and comment, I'll update more soon! Much love and thanks for reading!

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