The Storm (Chapter 7)

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*Reading through this two years later I realized how random this chapter is, but 12 year old me thought it was necessary:)

Casey's POV

I saw Rick looking at the sky, I looked up too and saw what he saw. The once blue sky has now darkened to a grey color. I could hear the wind picking up coming towards us. The storm was huge, I couldn't see anymore light in the sky, the wind started to pick up. There was a crack of thunder and I felt Carl's hand slip in mine.

I felt water drops on my head and I everyone else did too.  We put out the fire and headed into the tents.  But then lightning started and so did the wind.  We went into the cars since  the tents couldn't take it. I watched out the window as leaves and branches flew off the trees. I had this anxious feeling in my stomach like I had to something. I looked around and my eyes set on the glove department in front of the passenger seat.

"Do you mind if I check your glove department?"  I asked.

"Why would you want to?"  Lori asked looking back at me through the mirror. Rick glanced back at me with a questioning look.

"I just have a feeling I should."  I replied.  Rick and Lori looked at each other and he shrugged. Lori and I switched places so I was sitting in the front.  I started looking through it hoping I would find something useful.

"Gloves, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, first aid kit, photos, and girl stuff."  I said mumbling the last part.  Rick and Lori just laughed as Carl sat there confused. Whoever owned the car before must've been prepared for anything. I wonder where they are now? Probably dead.

About an hour later the storm only seemed to get worse. I'm surprised the tents our holding on. There was a knock on the window that surprised me. I looked out the window to see Shane. I rolled down the window glaring at him.

"What do you need?"  I asked raising my eyebrows. He seemed to be in a rush, panic was in his eyes and I heard loud snaps and thunder.

"Andreas hurt, you're some kind of nurse, right?" I nodded as he took a hold of my wrist to drag me out of the car. Water poured down on me and I squinted my eyes blocking the wind. I quickly got out of his strong grip so I could just follow him.

"I can walk myself." I said in a threatening voice.  We ran over to the RV and went inside.  Andrea was sitting at the table with a nasty burn on her arm.  "What happened?"  I asked sitting down grabbing her arm as she winced.

"I was outside trying to catch my bag that flew away in the wind and a burning branch fell I my arm." She said. And I almost laughed at the thought of it, I had exactly what I needed in the car. That's why I had a feeling I needed to look.

I ran to the car and went into the glove department and grabbed the apple cider vinegar and coconut oil.  I remembered the lesson I had on burns, that these were two items you could find at home to heal a burn.  I went back to the TV and put it on her arm with a bandage tightly wrapped around it.

"It's so weird that I just found these and an hour later we needed it."  I smiled at my accomplishment.

"It's just luck." Dale smiled placing a secure hand on Andrea's shoulder.

"Weird luck."  Shane mumbled.  It got dark and I went back to the car.  Lori was in the front again so I got in the back.

In the morning when I woke up Carl and I were in the car alone.  I guess the others went to go look for Sophia.  I sort of felt like Carol was blaming me. I guess it is my fault and I don't blame her. I looked out the window to see Dale talking to Andrea and T Dog. 

"Wake up."  I say shaking Carl.  He slowly opened his eyes. He had long eye lashes, and nice eyes, there so oceanic blue just like Rick's. His eyes were so familiar that it pained me I couldn't remember why I knew his eyes.

"I'm up." He mumbled yawning.

"I'm going to go hunting for breakfast."  I said moving Carl's hair from his eyes.  I realized what I was doing and jerked my hand away. I guess I was so lost in his eyes that I felt something for him.

To get my mind off if I went through the woods and found two squirrels.  I saw a walker come out and I spit on it.  I don't know why I just like to do it.  I spit, they fall to the ground, and die.  I walk back to the camp and start a small fire.  I cooked the squirrels and then Carl and I ate them. I never would've thought one day I'd be eating squirrel instead of eggs and bacon for breakfast.

Rick's POV

We walked and walked calling her name. Nothing, just a bunch of nothing. I felt so bad for Carol, she's lost so much. And had a bad life, being abused by her now dead husband, Ed.

"This is all her fault." Carol mumbled.

I decide to finally say something. "You can't just blame this on Casey. She tried to save your daughter, she gave us hope. She's twelve and had more courage then we all did at that moment. None of us would have done what she had done. And she even got hurt trying to save her. So don't just go blaming it on her, you should be thanking her." Everyone stopped at looked at me oddly. "Just saying."

"I'm sorry." She whispered. I looked at everyone and they just starred like they've seen a ghost. They probably have, it's not unlikely. But they were shocked how I stood up for Casey. It was almost dark so we started to head back.

Casey's POV

"So I heard your parents talking last night about maybe letting us come to look for Sophia." 

"Really, cool!" He smiled.

"I just hope Carol isn't mad at me."  I said.

"It isn't your fault, you helped her.  At least there is a chance she's alive.  If you didn't go after her she would most definitely be dead."  He informed and I smiled with a small laugh.

"Thanks for the support." 

"It feels she's so close but so far away."

At sun down they came back, still nothing. Carol couldn't even look at me. She cried silently but I could see it in her eyes all the pain she was holding in. I cleaned Andrea's and T's wounds again.

"So tomorrow we've decided to let you two come." Rick said to Carl and I.

"Ok, I could really help. I've got good tracking skills!"

"Yeah, just don't ruin your chances." Rick said looking at me and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"We won't." Carl and I replied.

"Casey." I heard a faint voice behind me. I turned around to see Carol.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I want to say sorry for how I've been treating you. It wasn't right for me to ignore you when you tried to save my daughter. And you even got hurt while doing it. I'm so so sorry."

"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left her alone." She pulled me into a hug and whispered thank you.

That night we all fell asleep getting ready for the morning's hunt. I slept better knowing that Carol wasn't mad at me. Then the next morning I woke up getting ready to go find Sophia.

Hey guys! Casey and Carl finally get to go on the hunt. Do you like my story, if so tell your friends if you want:) The song is beside you by 5SOS. And if you don't know where the songs are they are the words in italics! Please vote and comment. Much Love!

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