Inhuman (Chapter 17)

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Third person POV

The next day came and things happened fast. Rick told Shane about Lori's pregnancy, Carl is having doubts about Sophia being alive or not. And Casey is still weak, but is getting better. It was around the middle of the day when Rick disappeared in the forest with Hershel and Jimmy.

They finally came back, but what they were doing caused trouble. They had walkers on leashes taking them towards the barn.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Shane yelled as we all ran over.

"Just let us through." Rick said.

"What are you doing with walkers?" Casey asked.

"Don't call them that, they're people." Hershel said.

"Oh right, like a living breathing human could live through this." Shane got out his gun and shot one of the walkers three times. "Three bullets, no human could stand that."

"Shane stop it, now!" Casey yelled angrily. She felt weird and held onto her head. It's as if a switch went off.

"You know what, how about we show you what they really are." Shane said as he shot the two walkers in the head and walked towards the barn doors.

Casey's POV

Before Shane started heading for the barn I got a, vision, almost like my dreams but I was awake.

"Shane don't do it." Rick said going towards him.

"No Rick don't, he has to." I said knowing something they didn't from my vision. I stopped Rick as Shane opened the doors. Walkers started coming out as most of our group shot them. Once they were almost all dead Rick looked at me.

"Why did you stop me?" He asked angrily.

"Sophia." Everyone heard what I said as the last walker walked out of the barn. Short, red hair, freckled face girl. Sophia. She was dead, and had a huge bite in her shoulder. Everyone stopped in shock as Carol ran for her but Daryl stopped her.

I got out my small gun I had and walked in front of her a few feat away. Once she got close, right to the head of my gun. I shot. She fell to the ground filling the silence with a thump.

I felt my eyes tear up, but once one tear left my eye, it burned down my face. I screamed in pain as more tears came out, from pain and sadness. Rick ran up to me and looked at me. He whipped a tear from my eye and cursed in pain.

"It just burned me!" He yelled.

"I-It burns, t-the tears burn." I shakily said.

Right now a lot of people were crying. Carol, Maggie, Beth, Carl, Lori and I all in tears.

My face was burning, but why? I've cried before, but it never hurt. A few minutes after everything settled down I went into the bathroom in the house. I looked in the mirror and my face was stained with red streaks. It felt like acid almost, and I do know how that feels. Never will forget to wear gloves while dealing with acid in a lab.

I heard a knock on the door and I turned to see Lori.

"Oh, hi." I said.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, but that was weird. I've never felt that burning when crying before." I said.

"Maybe it has something to do with being immune." She said

"Maybe, I don't know."

"How did you know Sophia was in there?"

"It's like my dreams, but more like a vision." I looked back into the mirror then back at her.

"Can you be normal, for one day?" She asked with a smile.

"I don't know, they say times supposed to heal you, but I haven't done much healing."

"Yeah I wish I could go back to the past, when we we're younger, and free."

"I feel so bad now, how's Carol doing?" I asked hoping she was ok.

"She's crying, maybe you should go talk to her." She said and I agreed, I walked outside to look for Carol. Everyone was staring at me as I walked into the RV. She was laying down crying.

"Carol I'm sorry." I said really meaning it.

"NO! She's dead because of you, get away from me!" She yelled as I backed up.

"She was already dead when she came out." I said as she got up coming towards me, I backed out of the RV with her following.

"You killed her, you put the gun up to her head a killed her!" She yelled. I felt an unusual anger in me, not borderline, but I knew it was bad. It felt like that switch was going off again.

"I tried to save her! I promised I would find her. And I did, I didn't want her like this." At that moment my voice changed, it got deeper and deeper almost like a monster. "She's not dead because of me, she died on her own it's her own fault!" My voice was now fully like monster and I was scaring the others.

"Casey? What's happening?" Rick asked. Carol ran back into the RV as I turned around to the others and they screamed in shock.

"Your eyes, t-there red, what happened?" Carl asked standing behind Lori.

"I'm sorry. I'm a monster." My voice was normal now, and I ran away from them.

What have I turned into, I'm a monster. I'm inhuman.

Do you think I'm going to far with this? Well anyway please tell me what you think and vote and comment for the next chapter! Thanks for 500 reads!!! The song is Hello by Adel. Love you guys!

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