It's All Your Choice (Chapter 11)

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Third person POV

Right as Hershel said that we heard a car pulling in. Everyone but Casey and Patricia ran down to see. Shane got out of the truck, limping and alone. There was obviously something wrong, but everyone was too focused on the supplies and Carl to think twice about Otis's death.

"Otis?" Hershel asked.

"I'm sorry he, he sacrificed himself for the boy. He said we have to save the boy you go on and I'll cover the back. But when I turned around..." The Greene family had tears in there eyes but the fought it back.

"No one tell Patricia till after, I need her." Hershel said as they all went up stairs to see Carl. Casey was sitting up anxiously waiting to see if they had got the stuff they needed.  Inside her head she went back and forth between saving Carl and going into a coma. Everything in her head said that the coma was bad, but something in her heart said to save Carl. She had an argument with herself about not knowing Carl enough to risk her life for him.
It went along the lines of,

"You need him Casey, being abandoned by your father made you think that maybe nobody could love you. But this is your chance to prove that theory wrong!"

"But does he feel the same? Maybe it's normal to you but this boy has known you for days. Who says when you wake up all you'll be and forever be is a friend or that Immune girl in his group."

"Shut up! Both of you! I have to do this. And maybe it's for love, maybe it's not. But it's the humane thing to do!"

"What makes you think you're human?"

She jumped back into reality when the others ran inside with everything they needed. She sighed and smiled as they ran around getting prepared. Lori and Rick stood in the door way with Shane behind him. Something didn't feel right. She glared at Shane as he looked at her, he turned around and walked away.

"It's time, Lori Rick I'm suggesting you leave."

"Thank you." They both said walking out. As they took blood from Casey she started getting dizzy and discolored.

"If, if he doesn't make it I need you to do something for me." Casey mumbled taking Hershel's hand. She was dizzy, she couldn't really filter what she was saying. But she knew what she was saying was what she wanted.

"What is it?" Hershel asked.

"If he doesn't make it, kill me." Alright maybe she was a little bit out of it, but she meant it in a way of her knowing Carl won't die.

"I can't, and I won't anyways you've only known the boy for a week." Hershel said pulling his hand away from her.

"I don't care, he's my best friend, I think I love him...." She fell back and her head landed on the pillow. They did the surgery on Carl, he survived but Casey wouldn't wake up. She was alive and awake but couldn't move, talk, all she could do was hope her best friend was alive.

"He's going to make it." Hershel told the others and everyone sighed. The tension in the room had dropped, but there was still one thing that lingered in the room, Otis's death.

"Thank God." Lori said planting her head into Rick's chest.

"Casey, is she ok?" Rick asked.

"She's, in a coma, there's a possibility she won't wake up. And will be in a coma for at least day or two, but what she told me was a little worrying." He said looking at the ground. "She said if he doesn't make it, to kill her. She said he's my best friend and I think I love him. I don't know if that's the loss of blood or her talking."

"She, she really said that?" Lori asked glancing at Rick who was looking at the ground. In his head he was rethinking his thoughts on Casey as someone dangerous. She was really just a little girl.

"Yes, but now I have to tell Patricia about Otis."

"I'll go with you." Rick said. They walked inside to were she was standing. She was washing her hands in the sink. She looked over at them and smiled looking behind them. Her smile dropped.

"Where's Otis?" She asked.

"Patricia I'm sorry." Hershel said in the nicest way possible. That was all it took for her to know that he didn't make it.

"No, no, no." She fell down into a chair and cried as the other two comforted her. Lori walked in and went past them up to see Carl and Casey.

"I don't know if you can hear me right now or not. But I have to say, thank you so much for all you've done for us. You did something that I could never have done. You saved my child's life, and I could never repay you for this. For all the tuff times that's been happening, you brought hope to this world. You are going to save us all." She said in tears getting down closer to kiss her forehead. "And right now you have a choice to make. You can keep living with us, or go to heaven with your family. It's all your choice, love. You live or you die." She got up and turned to the doorway where Hershel's daughter Maggie was standing.

"Sorry, that was beautiful. I might use that one day." She said.

"Thanks, I just needed to let her know it's all her choice. If she's awake or not."

"She might be you never know." 

"Tell me the truth, what you think, do you think she'll make it?"  Lori asked.

"Yes, she'll make it, but like you said it's her choice."  Maggie replied as they went out of the room.

Casey's POV

It was black, all I saw was black.  But then I heard a voice, Lori's voice.  She was saying thank you, then she said something about it being my choice to survive or not.  But I don't know if I want to or not, I don't know if Carl's alive or not.

Then I heard Maggie's voice fill the room.  I started to feel dizzy again and fell asleep. I had a dream, but I wasn't in it.  It was Shane, and Otis running from a heard of walkers.  Shane was limping, and they had little bullets left.

"I'm sorry." Shane said.

"What?" Otis asked, but in a second Shane pulled out his gun and shot Otis's leg.  Otis grabbed Shane and they fought, Shane won and again started to run.  All I heard was the screams of Otis and ripping.

I woke up, but couldn't move.  I don't know what's happening, I don't think I'm in shock.  It's blurry but I could feel I wasn't dreaming.

"Casey? Casey!" Carl's voice filled the silence.  I couldn't say anything but I was smiling on the inside knowing he was alive.  Lori and Rick ran in hugging and kissing Carl.

"I'm so glad your awake."  Rick said, he looked at me.  He waved his hand in front of my face and I blinked.  He looked relieved and looked back at Carl.

Third person POV

"Why isn't she doing anything?" He asked.

"Calm down, we have a lot to tell you." Lori said.

"So Casey has done a lot for you lately.  First off she ran you here, one mile to Hershel's farm.  She then gave three units of blood to save you.  But the last unit she gave put her in a coma.  She knew it would happen and she did it to save you."  Rick explained.

"What did she say?" 

"She said you can't die, and if you did die to kill her.  And the last thing she said was that she thinks loves you."

She finally said she loves him! But she's in a coma from saving him.  So the big paragraph that is italics that Lori is saying is sort of from If I Stay.  I've only watched like half of the movie a remembered some of it (not really) but anyways they have finally accepted her.  Vote and comment your thoughts! Much Love!

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