He Has To Survive (Chapter 9)

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Casey's POV

Something snapped in me once that gunshot went off. Once Carl's body hit the ground I felt it inside of me. The need to make sure this boy didn't die in front of me. This boy who I've known for days, yet I feel like I need to know him better. Whatever snapped inside me is out of my control. It doesn't want Carl to survive. It needs Carl to survive.

I ran fast, my arms and legs hurt from carrying him. My lungs feel like they are about to collapse, and I'm afraid I'll drop Carl. I'm running to a house I don't even know exists, to a man named Hershel. I seriously hope this guy isn't lying. If I'm running to nowhere when I can be running back to the group, this man won't see tomorrow.

I saw it, the house, I just had to run through a field. Rick and the man who shot Carl was behind me. I was covered in Carl's blood as he was jerking around in my arms. Tears went down my face and onto him. I slowed down to catch a little bit of my breath to call out for help. So I used every last bit of my energy to scream help. As I got closer to the house a girl walked outside confused. I finally got into view of her, she was about in her twenties, short brown hair, she looked panicked and afraid.

"Dad, DAD!" She yelled as an older man came out with a woman and two teens. I stopped at the porch falling to my knees taking deep breaths. They stood back observing me.

"Is he bit?" The man asked, I was hoping this was Hershel, the man who would help us.

"No he was shot, by your man. He said to take him to Hershel, is that you?" I asked hope filling my eyes as I looked at the older man. He looked back to Rick and the other man who were close behind.

"Yes bring him inside." He said. Rick and the man came up behind as Hershel took Carl from my arms. Rick sat down on the porch steps wide eyed and delirious.

"Carl." Rick mumbled over and over.

"His leg, he needs stitches now." I told them following Hershel inside and upstairs.

"Patricia get the man stitched up." He yelled some more commands as he laid Carl on the bed and ripped open his shirt. "He's alive with a slow heart beat." Rick somehow made his way up here with the woman, Patricia, following behind him with a first aid kit.

"Oh my god, Lori, my wife doesn't know, she has to know." Rick cried falling into a chair. From the sound of it he wanted to get up and go get her. He was struggling with the woman not wanting her assistance.

"It's going to be alright, Rick. You have to let her help you." He shook his head trying to get up but I pushed him down. "Rick I'm serious. I won't lose Carl, and I won't lose you. Now sit down, and stay down!" I cried and his eyes widened as he sat down.

"But I have to go." Rick mumbled and I sighed, finally Hershel spoke up as he examined Carl.

"No you have to stay here and get fixed up. You've lost a lot of blood but will be fine. But for the boy he's lost to much, what blood type is he?"

"A positive, I have A positive." Rick said, but he already lost blood, and I'm not letting him give any. Lucky them, I have the same blood type.

"So do I, take my blood. You would die if you gave blood, Rick." I said holding out my arm.

The woman Patricia took my blood and I felt the color drain from my face. I took a seat on the ground so I wouldn't fall. Hershel gave it to Carl and then Patricia stitched up Rick. I stared at the brown haired girl standing in the doorway staring at us, well more at me. I remembered I was covered in blood. Someone called out to her, Maggie, and she left. But I ignored it turning my attention back to Rick who just got stitched up.

"Don't walk to much and you'll be fine in a little while. But for now we need our space with him." Hershel said. We walked down into the living room and sat on their couch. I was careful not to get blood anywhere.

"Earlier before the indecent, you said you saw it before, saw what?" Asked Rick who laid back exhausted with a pale face.

"I don't know, I just had a dream and that happened. It has happened before, the night before I met you guys I had a dream I went to the highway and so the next day I did."

"So you're saying you have dreams too?"

"I don't know, life is confusing." I replied. The girl Maggie came down to us in a panic. That's when I heard the sobbing, and it could only be one person.

"We need you now." She commanded and I helped Rick up grabbing a cane that laid against the wall. I gave it to him and quickly helped him to the room. The sight of him in pain hurt me, it hurt a lot. I haven't seen someone suffering like this, not someone I cared about. You're doing it Casey, stop! You're getting weak for him.

"Hold him down we need more blood." Hershel said taking out a piece of bullet from Carl's stomach. Rick held him down and I was in tears watching him suffer as blood was drawn from my arm.

Carl stopped moving and Rick started to panic. "He's just passed out." Hershel said. I felt sick and dizzy and now I was really pale.

"You need to go lie down." Rick said to me. I nodded and laid down by Carl. I kept my distance on the bed just staring at his violently pale body. I felt like I could do more but all I can do is give my blood.

"I will try to fix you." I whispered to Carl hoping he could somehow hear me.

Rick began to mumble about Lori again. "My wife Lori, she has to know what happened."

"Where is she?" Maggie asked.

Lori's POV

"You're still worrying about it?" Andrea asked me.

"One shot, why was there only one shot?" I asked.

"It was probably just a walker." Shane said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"But they wouldn't use a gun on just one walker. They're smarter than that." I replied.

"Let's just keep going." Daryl said. I turned around and Andrea wasn't there. I heard screaming and ran over to see Andrea being attacked by a walker. I was ready to take action when I heard something I the distance. A horse? There it was, a girl on a horse knocked the walker off of Andrea killing it. She looked around all of us as we kept our guard up.

"Lori, Lori Grimes?" She asked.

"That's me." I replied.

"I need you to come with me, Rick sent me. I can't explain everything but Carl's been shot and Rick is hurt. There's a farm two miles away, you have a group on the highway. Take them there." She commanded and I felt my stomach drop. My baby is hurt.

"We can't trust a stranger." Daryl said looking at me for my response. But didn't listen I took off my backpack and got on the horse. And we rode away to the farm.

I hope you guys like the chapter! The song is Fix You by Coldplay :) Please vote and comment! Much Love!

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