Now We Wait (Chapter 10)

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Rick's POV

I waited outside sitting on a rocking chair. Maggie had left about fifteen minutes ago, she should be back anytime soon. I didn't know what I'd say to Lori, or if she would blame me. I heard the horse in the distance and I stood up propping myself against the wall. I saw Lori riding on the horse with Maggie. She was shocked and panicking as the horse stopped. She got off it and ran up to hug me. I winced a little from the force of the hug and she backed away looking at my leg.

"Where is he, is he ok?" She asked looking inside the house as Maggie went inside.

"He's fine, but he wouldn't be if it wasn't for Hershel, his family, and Casey."

"If you're hurt, how did Carl get here?" She asked looking at my leg.

"When he was shot, Casey carried him a mile to here. And she's donated two units of blood, so she's sleeping by Carl." I said.

"How does she do it all?" She asked helping me get inside.

"That girl just won't stop saving the day." I said leading Lori to Carl. When we went in Casey was awake and sitting up beside Carl.

"Oh my God, my baby." She said running and kissing Carl's head. "You, thank you." She said to Casey grabbing her hand.

"It's not everyday your best friend gets shot and his dad has an antler in his leg." Casey said weakly we took a while to explain the whole story. Hershel and his family gave us some time. We heard someone coming upstairs and turned around. It was Shane.

"How is he?" Shane asked out of breath as both Casey and Lori tensed up at his presence.

"How did you get here?" I asked standing up so he could sit down.

"I ran in the tracks of them." He said sitting down. We told him what happened and Hershel brought us out of the room. Casey stayed with Carl incase he woke up. Lori took my hand which Shane gave odd looks to.

"He has internal bleeding which needs surgery. We don't have the things to do the surgery." He explained.

"There has to be something you can do!" Lori cried squeezing my hand.

"The bullet is stuck inside him and if we don't get it out things will only get worse. Believe me if there was another way I'd certainly be up for it."

"The high school." Maggie suggested.

"The high school was over run last time I was there but it might be better now. It has the medical things we need." Otis, the man who shot Carl, said.

"I'll go, you don't need me here and I'll make it quick." Shane offered.

"I'll go too, it's the least I can do. I can also help you find everything that's on the list." Otis said. We went back to Carl and told Casey the plan. She wanted to go too, but she could barely stand. I'll told her it would be best if she stayed for Carl. And later that night Otis and Shane took off to the high school as our only hopes.

"Do you even know how to do the surgery?" Lori asked as we sat in Carl's room. Casey laid down on her side staring at Carl as if she was in deep thought.


"What do you mean, your a doctor right?" She asked.

"I'm a vet."

"A veteran?"

"No, I work with animals."  He replied causing Lori to doubt his skills. I don't care what he was before as long as he can save my son.

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