Sophia? (Chapter 8)

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Casey's POV

I just woke up, I had the craziest dream.  I was in the woods and there was a deer in front of me.  It was amazing, until I heard a gun fire.  The deer fell and I heard a scream.  Before I could turn around I woke up. That was so weird. I realized that Carl and I fell asleep outside. I turned over to see Carl still sleeping. The others were up, so I decided to wake him up.

"Carl, wake up." I said. He made an adorable face as he woke up and I just smiled as he squinted his eyes. I dropped my smile realizing I was just staring at him. I looked away and I mentally cursed, I can't be distracted by boys. I've always been taught that falling in love or even liking someone will slow you down. And if there is one thing I can't stand, it's being weak. What am I saying? Am I saying he makes me weak? Get your head out of the gutter, Casey.

"Are we going yet?" He asked and I shook my head as he sat up.

"Soon, but we should eat."

We got up and went over to everyone else. We ate some crackers and then grabbed some supplies. Andrea was coming but T Dog and Dale stayed behind incase Sophia happened to show up there. Rick gave Carl a knife and I got to use my axe.

"Look Shane! My dad said I could keep this knife if I was safe." Carl said to Shane.

"Yeah that's cool buddy." Shane said walking away. He glanced back at me, I crossed my arms glaring at him. Carl frowned turning to Lori who was watching us.

"Mom, I think Shane's mad at me."

"It's nothing, he's not mad at you trust me." Lori said, she's right, he's not mad at him he's mad at Lori, and scared of me because of what I know.

We headed into the woods calling out her name killing any walkers that came by. We kept walking deeper into the woods and then church bells sounded in the air.

"Go towards the sound Sophia might hear them too." Daryl informed as we changed path to follow the sounds.

"Or she might be ringing them." Rick said. We started to run towards the bells and soon found a church.

"There's no steeple or bell." Glenn said as we ran up. The bells stopped and we went inside. There was only three walkers which we killed. The bells started to ring again and we went outside. I observed the church and found a big white speaker on the side I sighed looking at the others.

"There on a timer." I said as we saw the speakers. We went back and side and Carol was crying and saying a few words to God. She was talking about her husband and Sophia and all of the sins she's done. She finished and went up.

"Can I say a few words?" I asked. They nodded and went up. "Dear God, I know I haven't talked to you in a while and we really need you now. The worlds ending, and we, I, need you the most. I made a promise to my friend that I would find her, and I won't break this promise. We just need a sign, hope for this girl. She's important to us, and we really need you please help us. In Jesus's name Amen."

"Thank you so much." Carol said hugging me. We went outside and grouped together. I stood next to Carl who complimented me on the prayer, which I responded with a smile. But my face went serious as Rick started to speak.

"You guys will go back, I'm going to keep looking." Rick said and I laughed a little shaking my head. He's not doing this alone.

"I'm coming, she's my friend." Carl said stepping forward, I stepped next to him agreeing.

"I'm coming to, I made a promise, and I'm going to keep it." I looked over to Carol who smiled at me.

"Fine, us three will go. Shane your in charge, just stick to the track and we'll be back." Rick said. We walked and walked on in the forest calling her name.

"So what you said back there. You made a promise?" Rick asked.

"Right before I left her in the water. I said I would find her, I promised her I would."

"And we will find her." He said patting on Carl's head.

Through the silence Carl began to ask me questions about my personal life. I answered them truthfully trying not lose my focus. "So what did your parents do for a job?" Carl asked.

"My mom was a nurse and my dad was a CASA worker."

"What's CASA?" He asked.

"I've heard of that. It's someone who helps family's with problems. Like abusive parents, troubled kids, and that kind of stuff. A social worker." Rick explained and I nodded.

"Yeah, he taught me how to talk with people, like therapy stuff." Branches broke a head of us and we quietly snuck up to it. It was a deer, it was so amazing. Carl and Rick started to walk up to it. I watched from behind staring at Carl in amazement. The way his eyes lit up as he neared the precious creature that I wanted to shot so we could have food. This scenery reminded me of my dream from last night.

"You know I had a dream like this and... No! Get out of the way!" I yelled but it was to late, I heard a gun shot. The deer and Carl fell to the ground. One of the deer's antler went into Rick's leg as blood poured from him. I ran to Carl and lifted him in my arms, he was light, or somehow my strength doubled. Maybe it was the adrenaline that was keeping me from dropping him. But all I know is he has to get help. A man came out of no where panicking.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry." The man said.

"Do you have anywhere I can take him?" I asked.

"There's a farm a mile ahead. Go there and a man will help you." He said.

"Help him up and stay behind I'm running him there." I said as he helped Rick up.

"It's a mile away, you can't run there." He said.

"You underestimate me," I said with a smirk, "Just follow me!" I yelled.

It took about ten minutes to run Carl to the house I didn't know even existed. I held his wound as Carl laid passed out in my arms. Rick was being helped by the man they were a few yards back. I finally saw the house and kept running. A girl with brown short hair stood up at the porch. Tears went down my cheeks as I spoke.

"Help him, please."

Cliff hanger!!! But you TWD watchers know what's going to happen. This chapter was one of my favorites. The song is I Need You the Most by Justin Bieber. I'm not really a JB fan but what ever. Please vote and comment! Much Love!

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