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Ebony held the knife to Sam's neck

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Ebony held the knife to Sam's neck. Her eyes were stone cold, emotionless and unyielding. Her lips were curled into an snarl that made Sam Winchester feel as though he was the prey, and she was the predator. She had the power to kill him, the nerve, the determination. If she killed him, he wasn't sure he'd come back this time. She would make sure he didn't come back.

He swallowed nervously, staring into the girls eyes of whom he'd learned to trust, learned to love like family. Sam tried to find a glimmer of the Ebony he knew, but not even a fleck of mischief was there, her eyes veiled in a stormy night sky. The black hair he used to ruffle playfully in that annoying older brother manner was matted with her own blood, and it trickled down her face. 

She was killing him slowly, and she was enjoying it.

"Do you know how long I've waited to do this, Sam Winchester? It repulsed me to speak to you, made me feel unclean when I laughed with you, and when you hugged me? I always was prepared to stab you in the back," she cackled wickedly, relishing the pain that flashed across his face. "You trust too easily, you Winchesters. All I needed was a sad back story - dead parents and a forgetful sister to pull on the heart strings - and a pretty face. I mean, come on, you guys surely learned that picking people who give you a boner off the side of the street isn't exactly smart. Meg is a perfect example, you felt all tingly when you met her and now Ellen and Jo are dead. Great job cowboy."

She pressed the knife a little deeper, drawing a single drop of blood. The sight of the red oozing from the wound added to the fire in her eyes, sending her mouth curling further up her face. In that moment, Sam realised that she had gone crazy. He didn't know if she'd just suddenly changed or was a Oscar worthy actress - either way he refused to accept it.

"What did I ever do to you? We saved you from the police, gave you a home, gave you people to rely on. You can't just take all of that and throw it back in our faces." Her face twisted into a deeper fury, and letting out a earth-shattering roar she pushed the chair over. It hit the ground with an echoing bang, a sickly smack as his head hit the ground. Now, both of their heads were bleeding.

"You gave me nothing! You stole the one thing that was important to me and you didn't even give a crap!" Her voice thundered across the room, so loud that even deaf people could feel the vibrations.

"What did we steal?" Sam snapped, eyes unfocused. He noticed how Ebony tensed, as though she was preventing herself from killing him so quickly. His voice turned softer, like melted butter. "I can give you it back if you just tell me what we took."

She rolled her eyes, grinding her teeth impatiently. "Winchesters are so oblivious! I swear it's in your genetic coding," she clenched her fists so hard her jagged nails cut into her fragile skin, breaking her. "It's not a something, dumb ass! It's a someone!"

Sam blinked. Was she on about the demon they had tied up in the basement? Maybe she's a demon, Sam thought hopefully. A flicker of light shone in the darkness, and he knew what he had to do.

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