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For the third day running, Ebony sat at the table, munching down on a bowl full of Lucky Charms

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For the third day running, Ebony sat at the table, munching down on a bowl full of Lucky Charms. Each glance at the colourful box sent her into a fresh wave of shameful memories, when she destroyed not only her home but herself. After that point, she had changed, and she was still deciding whether it was for better or for worse. 

"Ebony?" Sam waved a hand in front of her face, amused smile gracing his lips. A cup of steaming coffee warmed his hands, and his long fingers curled around the cup. No matter what time of year it was, the bunker was always freezing first thing in the morning. 

With a glint in his eyes, he took a seat in front of her, shifting comfortably in the wooden chair. His hair sprung out in different  directions, all trying to flee to unknown places. The bags under his eyes had lessened since her first night, and she took a grim satisfaction in knowing that he felt as though he could sleep, as though he was safe enough. He wished. 

"I'm sorry, just deep in thought." Self consciously, she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, flashing a quick lift of the lips. 

"They must've been some pretty deep thoughts," Sam slurped his coffee, face twisting at the sudden scorching heat. "So I was thinking today we watch Game of Thrones? I think if we try hard enough we can finish two seasons in a day." 

"Challenge accepted, Mr. Winchester." 

Sam grinned at her, all sleep erased from his drooping face. "Great! I'll set up the DVD if you make the popcorn." 

"Do you remember the last time I tried using the microwave?" He erupted in laughter, thoughts flown back to a day ago when Ebony decided to warm up some cake for two minutes... and burnt it. 

"Even the birds didn't touch it," Ebony hit his arm playfully across the table, smirking as she did so. "At least the birds have common sense." 

"You didn't complain about my cooking last night!" 

"Yeah, but I didn't compliment it either." A cheeky smile lit up Sams face, and Ebony held her heart in shock. 

"How could you!" In her 'anger', she snatched up the Lucky Charms box and ignoring the time capsule it was, grabbed a handful and tossed them at Sam. He let out a cry, trying to battle off the incoming food. Cereal scattered everywhere, gathering in groups in Sams hair. He shook his head like a wet dog, sending marshmallows and whole grain catapulting all over the room. She swallowed her comment about him being an animal. As much as she wanted to remind him of the vile creature he was, she needed to be kinder. The best way to shred the Winchesters apart was to be a friend, and then stab them in the back.

"You've got some of it in your hair." She slowly leaned over the table, adjusting her top so that it didn't cling so close to her body. Her attempts were futile. Sams breathing stopped. His gaze became fear stricken but excited at the same time. She continued her timeless journey, reaching out a hand and plucking out a marshmallow from his hair. She held the spongy treat between her fingers, and not removing her eyes from his she licked her lips.

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