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Ebony nibbled at the beds of her nails, their tops covered in flaking green polish

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Ebony nibbled at the beds of her nails, their tops covered in flaking green polish. She nervously glanced at the string of numbers typed into the keypad, and seeing them in their full glory made her doubt her decision. Yes, she wanted, needed, to talk to her sister and see her, but it could get her killed. 

 Heaving a breath, she begrudgingly deleted her favourite numbers. She wouldn't do to her what the Winchesters did to Celeste. Ebony refused to be creator of another broken soul. Yet, as much as tried to convince herself that she's doing her sister a favour, she couldn't control the desire that surged within her to be able to let Ruby know she existed. Ruby would have to always believe that she was abandoned. That no one loved her. Ebony's eyes gleamed, and she didn't even attempt to wipe them. No matter how many times you wipe away the tears, the pain still persists. Crying was a short term solution to a long term problem. 

Grumbling from the corridor made her head snap up. Moving too fast for her body to comprehend, she sprang up from the chair, phone subtly getting buried in her pocket. The noise belonged to the two boys, both rubbing at their faces with dark bagged eyes. Cramming her feelings into the cracking bottle, she giggled. "I bet you're regretting that third round of shots." 

Dean blinked slowly, sluggishly raising his hand to her face and placed his finger on her lips. Her eyebrows pulled together, and she went cross eyed as she focused on his finger. "Ssh, this is a library." 

Ebony rolled her eyes, sending an exasperated glance to Sam, Deans finger lingering on her lips. "He's still hammered, isn't he?" 

"I bet the bottle of whiskey last night didn't help either," Sam shook his head at his brother, collapsing into a chair. 

"What whiskey?"

"Last night he came in, and just muttered 'I need a drink', then downed his sorrows. I regret joining him." He lay his head in his arms, moaning slightly. "I can barely remember what happened last night, why did you let us drink that much?" 

"Well because I was too busy talking to Rebecca."

Dean piped up, "Rebecca Rabbit?" 

"Yes, I was talking to a character on Peppa Pig." Sarcasm was laced into her voice, and she pushed his arm down, his finger dropping from her lips. 

"Wait, wait, wait." Dean raised his arms in front of him, as though to protect himself from the truth. "She's just a character?" 

"Jesus Christ, how the hell did you save the world once, yet alone all the time?" Ebony muttered, shocked by his drunken stupor. 

"Who's Rebecca?" Sam interrupted, drawing all of the attention to him. 

"Gorgeous, girly and gay... I hope." Ebony walked behind Sam, patting his head softly and hoping it sent his headache into a painful frenzy. She knew she'd done it right when he groaned in response. "The three G's for the perfect girlfriend."

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