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They say the most torturous prison is the human mind. That it's constant desires to explore your inner deepest demons in your empty moments can drive you insane. Ebony believed she was immune to this - she was already crazy enough as it was. And not the good, fun, wild kind of crazy that makes you an interesting person and popular. No, she was just bat shit crazy, having happy dreams that would make others quake in fright. In her spare time she reminisced over joyful memories of blood staining her shoes and hands, and she yearned to be back in that moment when the knife was in her firm grip. So yeah, she had long gone off her rocker. 

It was this kind of crazy that landed her in the mental institute, with the most ironic name they could think of. Happy Days Mental Health Centre. More like Hell. Though Ebony imagined Hell to be a nice place, as long as of course you were the one with the thrashing victim in front of you. She heard you could get a good tan there too. 

Okay, so maybe not like Hell. Maybe like Earth. Full of demons and monsters that required a special kind of hunter: a police officer. Humans were the real monsters, destroying the planet and harming their own race. That may be a bit hypocritical of Ebony though, considering she was human, and had done more than the graphic scenes on TV described. 

That was the past, and in the present, she was quite tame. Doing the same routine every day: get up, go to the toilet, eat, take her pills, watch the crappy movie in the 'fun room', take more pills and go to bed. Repeat this for a month and see if you haven't lost your mind and gone full zombie. 

However, on August, the 22nd 2015, things changed. She got a visitor. Even weirder than that, she got two. 

The nurses didn't tell her their names, only that they were close friends of hers. They let no other details pass their lips, and that infuriated Ebony a bit. She was being held there against her will and they couldn't even tell her who wanted to see her? 

Guiding her down the too familiar plain corridors, she questioned them insistently, feeling a thirst for an answer she would receive soon. Still, they didn't provide her with the answers she craved, and she eventually caved as she caught sight of the green door nestled into the corner of the wall. They led her into the 'fun room', which was surprisingly empty. The nurse answered her unspoken question, seeing her eyes scan the the room confused. "We moved everybody to a different room for today. You don't get visitors often."

"There's a reason for that." Ebony refrained herself from screaming that everyone was dead. 

"Well, we'll just be outside the door," the nurses patted her arm and left, keeping alert for her lashing out. She made a habit of that when she first got there; after a month she learned to just let it go, mainly because she no longer had the strength to fight. 

Nervously, she made her way further into the room, eyes passing over the inspirational posters glued to the multi coloured walls, ranging from cringey cats and poetic quotes. A TV hugged the wall closely, the glistening of the screen lying about all the things that hid behind the pixels, and telling lies about the dark stories it'd tell on occasion. Not that she'd been able to see a film that had been rated above PG since being admitted. Her eyes continued to scan the room, skimming over the pool table and the pine table sitting proudly in the centre of the room, despite the amount of vulgar words scrapped into it's surface. It had long lost it's polish, much like all of the patients. She diverted her gaze from the table, her gaze finally fixating on the couch settled before the TV. 

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