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Ebony had a case. It was in a small town with a name she didn't bother to remember, and from the details the newspapers gave it sounded like a werewolf. Wasn't exactly the easiest way to settle back into hunting but Ebony took what she could take. There was a possibility the Winchesters would be there, but that idea had become less and less likely as she powered through the pile of cases she had. 

She had almost forgotten how complex the job was - it wasn't just attack the monster and move onto the next case. No, you had to get the details of the victims, try and figure out what killed them, then deduce who the monster is - then the fun part happens. Unfortunately for Ebony, she had used most of her money on a hotel that reminded her of the kind of place you go if you want to murder someone for sleezing around with your husband. So, as Ebony had no clothes that were professional, she couldn't just waltz into the morgue and flash a badge, unless she bought some clothes. Or stole them; she wasn't willing to risk going to jail when another person's heart would be ripped out. Which was where things got complicated. She needed the information, and by the way things were going she'd have to break into the morgue at the darkest hours of night. Sounds delightful, Ebony thought sarcastically to herself.  Breaking into a building full of dead people, just how she wanted to spend her Friday night. Going out and partying was just overrated.

At times like these she wondered what mundane people do on a Friday night, and if it was enjoyable. Sure, she wasn't in the hunting life for a few months, but they weren't exactly spent socialising with people she'd be expected to meet. The most fun she had was when her and Celeste would play Monopoly, a game of such simplicity it captured her attention immediately - she felt the need to make it complex. So, she did. Whenever they played and she was the Banker by adding interest, Celeste would groan at her to stop over complicating things, and that it was meant to be 'fun'. Ebony would always argue back that it was, and she'd see a tiny lift of the lips from Celeste. The thought of her best friends lips sent her heart into a frenzy, and she was just about to call Celeste's number to hear her voice and tell her of a mysterious persons mouth turning her pulse down a roller-coaster when she remembered. 

She would never see those lips again. 

Or hear that voice. 

Because she was dead. 

She clenched her hands into tight fists, trembling from sorrow and anger. Just do the job, and stop other people from feeling the same way you do, she thought to herself. She knew it was her subconsciousness lying to her: she wanted to destroy all the monsters out there to quench the fury blazing in her eyes. She shoved the thought away. Then wasn't the best time for it, especially since she was squatting behind a clamped car, taking quick peeps at the doors every few seconds. She was getting impatient - did these people ever go home? 

Her legs started cramping, sending spikes of pain through her legs. Ebony bit her lip to stop from crying out, and kept watching the door. Still no one wandered outside, each peek feeding her boredom. 

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