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Ebony's eyes fluttered open, the harsh lights of the hospital burning her retinas

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Ebony's eyes fluttered open, the harsh lights of the hospital burning her retinas. Pale walls greeted her limited sight, and the faint bustle of people attacked her ears. Everything was too bright, too loud. She let out a tiny whimper, clasping her eyes shut again. 

Beside her, Rebecca was napping in a chair, back curved at an uncomfortable angle. Her eyes twitched in her sleep, and occasionally she'd mumble something incoherent. Bags hung heavy under her eyes, and her hair was tangled and greasy. Pity struck hard in Ebony's chest - she felt so guilty about something that she couldn't even shower. She was curled up, head resting on her knees as she snored thunderously. With each snore she made, Ebony cringed, trying to shrink away from all noises and sights - she wanted sleep. 

Another set of ear piercing snores later, Ebony gave up on the dream of sleep, finally prying her eyes open. She hissed, blinking to try and adjust to the sudden contrast of sleep and reality. Her head pounded, and her stomach felt as though it was on fire. 

Confused, she let her hand drift towards the left lower part of her torso, feeling at the layers of cotton and bandages. Brows furrowed, she pressed down on it. A sharp, stabbing pain answered. Gasping, Ebony let go of her side, clenching her hands around the railings of the bed and panting. That was stupid, Ebony mused. 

Shuffling up the bed, she gritted her teeth through the agony, needing to do something other than lie there. She'd pulled herself into a excruciating sitting position when Sam and Dean walked in, carrying a brown bag that stunk of meat. They were conversing lowly, exchanging glances occasionally. 

"Did Andy text you back?" Dean asked, digging into the bag and taking out a burger. 

"Yeah, he just said that he was glad that she was okay. I didn't say anything else." 

"For someone so concerned he doesn't seem that bothered about it," the eldest brother observed, ripping the wrapping off of his food. 

"Yeah." Sam distantly replied, eyes moving away from his brother to the hospital bed. "Ebony?" Dean followed his gaze, mouth open, bits of burger meat falling out. 

She grinned through the pain, regretting her decision to move. "Took you long enough, jeez." Shuffling, she beckoned them closer. "Can you help me get down? This isn't exactly the most comfortable position." 

Rushed, Dean placed his burger on the bed side table and grabbed her legs, as Sam picked up her torso. "This is going to hurt a bit," Sam admitted bluntly, subtly shaking his head at his brother to start moving her down the bed. 

"Well no shit -" her words were cut off by the nauseating pangs shooting through her body. She grit her teeth, forcing a sentence out. "Maybe we should've waited for the professionals." 

They slowly straightened her body, and she attempted to show no sign of the torment it was causing. "We've healed ourselves enough times that we are professionals." 

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