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A sharp prod on her cheek made her stir

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A sharp prod on her cheek made her stir. "Do think she normally drools in her sleep?"

"How am I expected to know? Do I look like a drool expert?"

"I think it's the hair."

"Shut up D-" Ebony bolted up, eyes flitting crazily around the room like pinball's. Her hair was a raccoons nest and drool soaked her chin. She tried getting out of the bed but the two men pushed her back gently onto the mattress, something she highly disagreed with. She punched and hit and bit and screamed and cursed and threatened to kill a man, yet they kept her restrained on the bed. She even used Draco Malfoys infamous line "my father will hear about this!" though that would be difficult, since her father was dead.

"Calm down!" the shorter of the two demanded, whilst looking at this companion in wonder as she managed to jump onto the giants back. "Is she on steroids?"

"Now is not the time for jokes! Get her off of me!" Ebony clung onto his back, giving him wet willies and licking him, trying with no avail to see if he'd let her go long enough. All she wanted to do was leave, to find another monster to hunt down and kill, and if she had to, she'd kill the men to get away. She needed to find the Winchesters. She had a job to do, and she wouldn't let anyone get in the way of that.

Ebony let out a battle cry, head butting the tall man. He bent over in agony, clutching the back of his head in pain. She seized the opportunity and ran to the door, throwing open the door in a giddy type of glee. Wasting no time, she flung herself out of the room, sprinting as hard as she could, arms pumping methodically by her sides. Her thin soled shoes did nothing to absorb the impact of the uneven floor, making her entire body jolt. It was only when she was halfway across the car park did she realise her mistake. This said mistake rugby tackled her, sending them both crashing to the ground. A burning sensation tingled across her cheek, and she knew that she'd scraped it.

"HELP!" She yelled out, wiggling from under the heavy body. "HELP M-" A calloused hand covered her mouth, pressing down so hard she could feel the force of his hand pushing her teeth back like a retreating army. Faint traces of metal graced her lips, and she screwed up her face.

"Calm down! We're trying to help you!" The voice sounded exasperated, yet cold at the same the time. His tone sent warning signals to her brain, and in one second she clamped her teeth down on his huge hands. Metallic blood filled her mouth, tingling her taste buds. Instantly, he cursed and unstuck his hand from her face, and she scrambled to her feet, slipping and sliding on the gravel. Her heart was pounding. She had to run. She had to escape.

Her breath became more laboured with each trembling footfall, lungs burning along to each inhale. Her entire body was shaking, from the freezing cold or the fear she didn't know, all she knew was that she hadn't felt like this in a long time. And last time she felt like this, she nearly died. She didn't want to die. When the opportunity had presented itself her mind came to sudden realisation that she didn't want to have her existence ended. She wanted to live, no matter how painful it was. Justice hadn't been served, and she refused to die before it had been.

Even though she told herself everyday she didn't want to live without Celeste, she couldn't die. She couldn't do it herself, and her instincts always kicked in when something else was about to finish the deed for her. She wanted to stay alive. For Celeste.

Ebony ignored the fire in her muscles and pushed herself further. She couldn't give up, her stubbornness that's etched into her genes encouraging her body to keep going. Despite her determination, each stride got shorter, her pace slowing. She knew she should've kept up with her cardio, but that required effort, something she lacked. There wasn't enough air - her panting breaths allowing the minuscule amounts of oxygen to scrape down her parched throat.

Her pitying speed was enough for a turtle to overtake, and it dawned on her that she needed to stop. She'd only stop for a minute or two, just enough to catch her breath. Doing a quick scan of the area and keeping her ears alert for any type of sound, she collapsed against an old letter box. This was another mistake of hers, since her body weight made the splintering relic finally crack, and it broke. Her body fell backwards, and she let out a tiny squeal. She hadn't expected that.

She was sprawled on the floor, eyes looking upward at the stars. Her breaths echoed throughout the serene night, and she smiled for the first time in forever. She had just saved herself, and now she was enjoying one of her favourite things on this planet, apart from Twizzlers. She started counting them, pointing her finger at familiar ones and naming them. The Dog Star. Orion's Belt. All of these thousands of stars littered across the sky, many nameless and others infamous. It reminded her of the human race in a weird way: some people lived their extraordinary lives whilst leaving behind nothing but dust, others leaving behind a trail of legacies. Most of the extraordinary human beings get lost within the sea of stars, and their light becomes duller until it's even less than a speck.

The more stars she counted, and the more she named, the more her heart slowed down. Her sweat was drying in the night air, the wind beating at the perspiration and banishing it from her body. The muscles in her calves burned. Yet, despite all of this, she felt happy, and in these moments she thought about Celeste without dissolving into tears. She remembered the one time she and her went out on a road trip, around all of America to the most extra terrestrial places. They spent their nights sitting on the grass, chewing on whatever unhealthy snack their hands lay on, their other hand in each others. They didn't speak, just stared at the night sky, with intertwined fingers. Ebony knew that Celeste was only holding her hand because it's the type of thing friends do - it felt like so much more to Ebony. It felt like the small blessed things, the big things, the everythings. She felt like she was holding the meaning of life in her large palms. Which she was.

Her mind was so deep in the memories she didn't even notice the two men stalking towards their prey, taking hunters footsteps. They were careful not to scare the jumpy girl, knowing at the first sign of danger she'd flee. They were closer now and Dean lunged at her, clutching his non bleeding hand over her mouth. Her eyes widened to the size of saucers, and she let out a tiny whimper.

"We're here to help you," he tried to soothe. She rolled her eyes and pointed at his hand. He sighed and removed it, not before warning her that if she screamed he's knock her out.

She smiled sarcastically, revealing blood stained teeth. Deans blood. "If you do that again, I'll blow my rape whistle."

"There's no need to do that," the taller of the two reassured, crouching down to her height.

"Can we talk?" She took a moment to consider this, and letting out a huff that would put any teenager to shame she agreed.

"What's your name?"

She contemplated her options. She could give them a fake name, run, or tell them the truth. Ebony didn't want to run, mainly because her screaming muscles forbade her to, and she felt too exhausted to lie. Ebony huffed, running a hand through her hair. "Ebony."

When Ebony saw the tall ones lips move, she never expected to hear what came out of his mouth.

"Well Ebony, I'm Sam and this is Dean."

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