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Ebony gasped, placing her hand on the wall beside Rebecca's head

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Ebony gasped, placing her hand on the wall beside Rebecca's head. Rebecca's pants synchronised with hers, still trying to steal enough oxygen to gain her breath back. Their kiss had been hot and heated - something neither of them wanted. 

Avoiding Rebecca's eyes, Ebony bent down to collect the jacket from off the floor, handing it over to her blindly. Ebony was glad she had her face turned, otherwise she would have seen the hurt flash across Rebecca's face and her lips curve downwards. 

"Thanks," Rebecca mumbled, shrugging her arms into the sleeves. "I need to go, my brother's going to be furious with me." 

Wordlessly, Ebony nodded, stepping aside. She felt her lips part to ask Rebecca if she wanted to meet up again, but with her frown she felt her courage flee her. Ebony had just kissed her, quite passionately, on their first date, and that's something she had not planned to happen. 

Rebecca stood there, staring at the empty space that would sever their memories for the night. Yes, the kiss hadn't exactly been ideal, and she was extremely disappointed in herself for losing her control so easily, yet she didn't want to leave their relationship on a low note. "I'm so sorry, Ebony. That was inappropriate, and I understand if we don't see each other again. What ever happens, just know that this is one of the nicest first dates I've had in a long time."

Relieved, Ebony released a large breath, her shoulders slumping downwards from their previous stiff position. "This is the first date I've ever been on, so I think you've set the bar pretty high for other people." Rebecca snorted, covering her mouth. "Unless you want to set the bar higher by a second date?" 

"I thought we were already going out again?" Rebecca cheekily smiled, reminding Ebony of their previous deal. "Just because we locked lips doesn't mean I wouldn't want to go out again, I've done worse." 

"Haven't we all?" Ebony questioned lowly, twirling her fingers around a curling strand of hair. Rebecca let out a huff of a laugh, feeling herself again pulling towards Ebony's body. 

"I've gotta get home," Rebecca whined, but her feet still brought her closer to Ebony. Smugly, Ebony took a note of this, raising her free hand to Rebecca's waist. 

"You're already late, what's a few minutes going to hurt?" 

Breathless, Rebecca replied. "Traffic. I'll blame traffic."

Nodding, Ebony brought her lips to Rebecca's once again. It was as beautiful as the first time, and her stomach was as full of butterflies as it had been before. The faint familiarity of her gentle lips sent Ebony into a trance, and having being satisfied with their filling kiss previously, their lips moved in slow unison. It was sweet. It was gentle. It was like Heaven itself. 

"Hey, it's a couple of lesbos!" A voice sounded out, their words slurring. "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." 

Clenching at Rebecca's forearms tightly, she pulled herself from their embrace. "Are you freaking kidding me? Do you want to repeat that?" 

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