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Dean had banned her from driving

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Dean had banned her from driving. The moment he saw her sat in the drivers seat he opened the door and snapped at her to sit in the back, claiming he'd 'rather die from his own drunk driving than have little miss innocence behind the wheel.' Even though he had started to trust her slightly, he wouldn't let her drive his car. She didn't take offence - she knew only a select amount of people had had the honour. She hoped one day that she could become one of those people, but she was unsure of the reason why.

For the sake of their lives, Sam coaxed him into the back seat, telling him that he was still within the legal limit. Dean muttered a few words under his breath before falling into a intoxicated sleep. In seconds, snores erupted from him. Covering her mouth to hide her giggles, she shared a smile with Sam. 

"He needs to see a doctor about that," Ebony snorted as a rather loud snore echoed throughout the car.  

Sam lay further back into the seat, "I think the only time he'll see a doctor willingly is if he was invited to be an extra on Dr. Sexy MD." 

"He watches Dr. Sexy MD?" 

"He used to quite a lot, but then hunting kind of..." Sam sighed, rubbing his jaw. "It became a priority." Glancing back, he continued, "I think he believes to redeem himself he needs to kill every supernatural creature. It's not healthy, and sometimes I worry about him." 

Strangely, she could feel herself relating to Dean. The mere thought nearly made her snort - her having something in common with Dean Winchester? Leaning over, she placed her hand on his arm gently. All of her features turned sympathetic. "Redeem himself for what?" 

"He'll probably kill me for telling you this." 

Ebony squeezed his arm, a bit too tightly. Sam shifted under her grip, trying to keep his focus on the road. She whispered lowly, sounding almost like a growl, as ferocious as the smile tearing at her face. "I won't say a word to him about it." 

Sam stayed quiet, not acknowledging her. She bit her lip, slowly withdrawing her hand from his arm and rested her head against the car window. Cursing herself, she let the silence drag on, ignoring the awkwardness blanketing the air. 

"Do you know about Dean having the Mark of Cain?" Sam finally gave in, unable to handle the tense atmosphere. Ebony stiffened, restraining herself from spitting out that it was the reason that Celeste was dead. 

"I heard the rumours." Ebony faced Sam, "They were saying a man with a thirst for blood was running around the streets, causing chaos. An old friend of mine even asked me to help hunt him down but I declined. I wasn't going to go chasing a story, I did that enough when I was in the life." 

"He had it, for months on end. It drove him crazy, it changed who he was." Sam shook his head, letting out a disbelieving laugh. "I can't believe I'm telling you this of all people." 

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