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After the dread inducing encounter with the man at the diner, Ebony felt an overwhelming need for a drink

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After the dread inducing encounter with the man at the diner, Ebony felt an overwhelming need for a drink. Preferably tequila. Anything really, that would get her drunk within a few shots. Rebecca seemed to have the same idea, as when they climbed in Rebecca's car they headed in any direction other than home. There was a comfortable silence filling the car, with the occasional grumbling of the engine and the low mumble of the car radio. This was the most relaxing place Ebony could be, yet her back was still frozen straight and her eyes constantly flitting everywhere. She couldn't give into the urge to slump into the cushioned seat and curl up, her brain full to the brim with questions that nibbled at her curiosity. 

Rebecca seemed oblivious to Ebony's tense posture, to her bland face. "To finish off the night I thought we could go for a drink? I hope that's okay." Mindlessly, Ebony nodded, voicing a small note of approval after she remembered that Rebecca wouldn't be able to see it, hopefully as her whole concentration would be on the road. Rebecca beamed. "Great! I think you're going to love this place, it's got a really fun atmosphere and the staff are amazing. The music is a bit outdated, but once we've downed a couple of drinks I don't think it'll matter."

Ebony awoke from her daze, addressing a question that needed an answer. "How will we get home? If we both are knocking back vodka like water I don't think it'd be safe to drive home." 

"I live above the bar, you can stay at mine," she backtracked, hearing Ebony fidget in her seat , "Or my brother can drive you home if you're not comfortable with that." Rebecca giggled, shaking her head, a blush tainting her cheeks. Subconsciously, Rebecca tapped her fingers on the steering wheel, swaying her body slightly to the beat of the quiet music. "Gosh, I didn't mean for that to sound so forward. I swear I'm not usually like this." 

With cheeks red as a tomato, Ebony grinned, staring at her hands. "I'd love to stay at yours. Beats having an awkward ride home with your brother." Rebecca snorted a laugh, quickly covering up her nose with a hand. It had been deep and pig like, and Ebony thought it was hilarious and adorable. 

"Yeah, my brother can be a little intense. He doesn't mean it, he's just really nosy. My gran used to call him Gossip Girl. He never minded - he adored her." Rebecca let out a content sigh, casting her mind back to when she was a teenager living with her grandparents. Her brother - Jordan - had just turned 21, and they all put their money together to get him a car. He crashed the car shortly after they both died. 

Ebony's ears perked at hearing about Rebecca's gran. She rarely spoke about anyone in her family but her brother. She considered asking about it, quickly deciding against it just in case it brought pent up feelings to the surface. Ebony refrained herself from saying anything about it, knowing how much she hated it when anyone reminded her Celeste had died. 


Ever since Ebony had met Rebecca, she didn't ponder on her as much. This scared her. She felt guilt eat away at her insides for not thinking about her more, for not remembering, for not fulfilling her promise. She had vowed to kill the Winchesters for what they'd done, yet she had never planned anything, just only dreamed about how their blood would spill. It was then that she found that she didn't feel the need to quench her long gone thirst for them to be buried six feet under. Instead of wanting to kill them, she found herself wanting to get to know them more. 

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