Chapter Three - The Weekend.

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Chapter Three - The Weekend

"So why are we looking through year books again?" Asked Kirstin as she flicked through 2008's year book.

"I told you why, now look for every guy our age whos name starts with a 'D' okay." I said flicking furiously through every year book i had from Springs High.

"Why don't you just log on and ask who he is?" Kirstin said.

I got up and logged onto Speak to find no one online. 

"No ones online." I yelled back at Kirstin.

"Okay, well since he isn't , can we go to the mall now. I'm meeting Gracie and Marc so we can hang out.

"Ughhh" I moaned falling flat on my bed.

"Quit being anti-social and lets go." yelled Kirstin dragging me downstairs.

We headed to the mall and walked to the food court to be greeted by Gracie and Marc.

"Kirstin over here!" Waved Gracie.

There at the table sitting was Gracie who was in my maths tutoring class last year, still the same bubbly brunette i first met then there was Marc my old childhood friend who knew everything about me. 

"Hi Marc." I said quietly sitting down next to him.

"Why hello." he said smiling.

"We should go to Game Zone!" yelled Kirstin.

"Yes!!" Said Marc and Gracie both in sync.

We all headed to Game Zone, going up the escalators to the top of the mall where it moved.

"WOW!" I said shocked at what i was seeing. It was my first time in Game Zone after it moved to the top floor.

"Oh look 'Dance Duo's' , lets play it!!" screamed Kirstin.

"Indie and Marc you can go up first." Gracie kindly said pushing me towards the platform.

I can't dance, the only dance i know is the chicken dance! I thought as i stepped onto the platform. Marc must of read my face because he had the expression of 'Its going to be okay' on his face.

"Pick 'Drunk' By Ed Sheeren" shrieked Kirstin.


Oh no...


Someone save me!


We began dancing, Marc slowly out of sync with the movements on the screen.

"Keep going Indie, you're beating Marc!" yelled Gracie.

I heard Marc cursing silently under his breath while trying to catch up with the moves.

I turned to my right following the movements when suddenly there Jason stood watching.


I fell off the platform landing on my butt.


Marc , Gracie and Kirstin all stopped watching and ran up to me to see if i was okay.

I felt heat rush to my face.

"Gosh Indie , you're as red as a tomato!" giggled Gracie.

"Are you okay?" Marc said offering a hand to help. I accepted and stood up brushing off anything that stuck to my jeans. 

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