Chapter Six - Grounded

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Chapter Six - Grounded.

"We are not going to do anything. You on the other hand are going to get your ass kicked out of my room!" I screamed opening the window so he could leave.

"But....." he started.

"No you are going to get out now!, I'm grounded because of you!" I screamed trying to calm down.

"Fine!" Jason said climbing out of the window.

I shut the window and lay on my bed. What was i going to do? , I got out my laptop and signed into 'Speak'. No one was online so i started a random chat with someone online.

"Hi" I said.

"Um hi?" 

"So how old are you?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"You know what ,this site is stupid, they expect us to use this to communicate with our peers without bullying but what they don't know is that we have facebook and twitter these days..." 

"Well, then why the hell are you on now?" I  said pissed at why they were talking at me.

"This user is offline."


I logged off , plugged in my ipod and turned it up really loud.

"INDIE! TURN THAT RACKET OFF!" yelled dad from downstairs.

"What? i can't hear you!" I screamed pretending not to hear him.

I hopped onto my bed and started jumping hoping to annoy dad as much as possible.

"Sweetie could you turn that down, your friend Jason is here to visit you." he said welcoming Jason into my room.

I let out a little laugh hoping this was just a joke.

"You're kidding right?" I laughed turning down the music.

"You're still grounded, but Jason here says you both have a sports day to go to." dad said leaving.

I stood there shocked at what Jason had said to my dad, i knew i had some badminton thing at school today but how did Jason know?

"Hi there" he said welcoming him self to my things.

"I said i would kick you out now get out!!" I shooed him out of my room slamming the door as he was out.

I grabbed my back pack and headed for the door.

"Come on Indie , you have to come out sometime soon." muffled Jason on the other side of the door.

I opened the door , accidently hitting Jason who fell to the ground.

"Indie is everything alright up there?" dad asked from downstairs.

"Yep i just dropped my rackets." I lied.

Shit I thought, i just stood there staring at his motionless body on the ground.

"Ah Jason?" I whispered nudging him in the ribs.

He didn't move.

I ran back to my bedroom and googled 'What to do if someone is passed out' I clicked the first link and scrolled down looking for the best alternative.

I went back to him and turned him on his side when i saw his lips sticking out.

"YOU BASTARD!" i screamed pushing him away from me.

"Hahahaha i got you good!" he said standing up.

"I hate you, why are you here you ass-" I started someone cleared their throat behind me.

I turned around to find dad standing there crossed armed.

"Indie that is not how you speak to your friends!" he frowned.

"He isn't my friend, he's been stalking me dad!" I tried explaining.

"Sorry to interrupt Mr Swanson, but i have been trying to give her this." he pulled out a piece of paper passing it to me.

"Indie, stop making up things , you're a good kid Jason, why don't i take you both to school come on." dad said getting his keys.

I unfolded the piece of paper to find his number on it.

I sighed getting into the car with Jason who my dad started to like.


A/N : Hi readers, so i've been having a very hard time trying to write. (Writers Block) so i started with a short chapter, well i just wanted to update something, i'm sorry about the very long wait!

Yes it has errors, sorry about that.

Thank you, for understanding :P



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