Chapter Eight I don't need you.

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 Chapter Eight I dont need you

"OMG, I can't believe you saw him naked! - K" 

"I didn't , well it was his top half" I replied.

"Still , did he have abs? - K"

I took a moment to remember whether he did or not, but i had forgotten already.

"I can't remember, anyway who cares. I have to go ttyl :)" 

I walked over to the lounge and watched some of Teen Wolf before dad interrupted me, saying i had to help with dinner.


A Few Weeks Later.

"This term is ending in a few days so i would like you students to write a list of goals to complete before or in the holidays and to put it in this hat, this can be anything." Mrs Jane said.

I got out my folder and pen and started listing things down.

- Host a Harry Potter marathon sleepover.

- Get a part-time job.

- Get over Daniel.

- Find a dress for the prom coming up.

- Confront 'D'

I folded the paper and put it in the hat, i looked over to find Jason and Daniel still writing.

"So now that people are just finishing, how about we talk about important dates that are coming up."  

She walked over to the front of the room and pulled out a poster.

"This here is a poster of the upcoming prom, it is designed by Jason." Mrs Jane said.

Cheers aroused from the class.

I turned around to find Jason blushing. I laughed.

"So as you know we will have a prom king and queen as well as the prom princess and prince. I have been given a sheet for you students to circle anonymously the people you would like to nominate."

She passed the sheet to the back where Jason and Daniel were. When the sheet finally got to me i unfolded it to find my name circled. I quickly turned around to find Jason winking at me. I rolled my eyes and passed the sheet along.

"Another important thing that is coming up which will be in the holidays will be a day where you have to volunteer somewhere, i have a list of these places which i will write on the board."

We waited silently as the sheet reached the front and Mrs Jane finished writing the list.

- Help out at the local animal shelter (6 spots available) 

- Help at the local library. (5 spots available)

- School car wash (15 spots available)

- House clean for the elderly (5 spots available)

- After party prom set up and clean up ( 3 spots left! )

- Clean up beach Week ( Unlimited!) 

I thought carefully through each one, I knew i was definitely not going to do the animal shelter or the clean up ones because i have allergies but i was thinking about the car wash.

"You got to get in quick before the spots are taken." Mrs Jane explained.

I finally agreed on what i was going to do. I picked the school car wash.

"So there are sign up sheets outside this room i will let you out a few minutes early so you can sign up."

Few Minutes Later

"Okay class you may leave, try and get the good spots!" 

I got out of my seat and raced towards the door, i wanted the car wash no matter what. I got pushed and shoved trying to get to the notice board.

I finally got there when i looked at the board. Everything was full. 

"Oh for fucks sake!" I swore as i saw what was left.

After Party Prom set up  and clean up.

Clean up beach week.

I read the details of the clean up beach week.

'5 day clean up an hour each day for the first week, unlimited spots Sign up here...'

I realised that if i picked this one i would have to spare five hours of my precious life. I picked up the pen and signed the prom one.


After School

I was walking home when i heard a low husky voice calling.


I kept walking trying to ignore who it was and plugged in my ipod. I began picking up my pace and walked faster.

Suddenly out of no where someone grabbed my arm and yanked me to the ground. I landed with a big thud on top of this persons stomach.

"WHAT THE HELL?" I screamed struggling to get back up.

"What ....the hell?, ....were going to get hit by .....a car!!" he studdered.

My eyes came into focus and i saw Jason lying  in front of me clutching his stomach

"Shit, arghh....what do you want." I yelled in fustration knowing he probably just saved my life.

"Me you and Daniel are on prom set up and clean up."

This took me by surprise, suddenly i felt sick. 

"Uh...are you feeling look as if you're gonna puke." 

"NO IM NOT OKAY!" I yelled walking off.


I kept walking trying to pick up my pace.

"You uh...forgot this." Jason said.

I turned around closely facing him and noticed my cracked ipod.


He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine. All of a sudden the tension between us was released and a warm feeling replaced it. I leaned in without knowing as he cupped my cheeks. He pulled himself away with a tint of red appearing on his face.

"Sor-sorry..." he handed me the ipod and started walking away.

Heat rushed to my face as he glanced back for a second. The taste of his lips was still on mine. I stood there for a few minutes processing what had just happen and headed home.


A/N : Heeellllooooo Indies first kiss omg....haha you guys were expecting it....

Not edited.

Thanks for reading!


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