Chapter Fourteen - Missing you

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Chapter Fourteen - Missing you

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and confident, i lay in bed fantasizing about what happen last night.

"Miss you! x" 

I texted Jason waiting for a reply. I rolled out of bed heading into the shower. When i got out of the shower i had five messages. 

"Miss you too!" 

I found this really cute , i smiled at the words that were left. I moved onto the next message from Jason.

"We should hang out today!" 

"I miss your lips on mine." 

"Not trying to sound creepy, god i sound creepy" 

"Crap , did i scare you off?" 

I laughed out loud at the messages he left and dialed his number.

"So i didn't scare you off" Jason said in a confused tone.

"Haha , nope i just got out of the shower, yeah we should hang out" I replied putting the phone on speaker as i dried my hair with the towel.

"So are you hinting that we both hang out in the shower?" Jason laughed.

"You wish, we should go to the beach or something, also bring Kirstin and one of your good looking friends" I quickly added, Kirstin has had my back for a while now, the best i could do is set her up with someone cute after all that happen with Daniel.

"I should invite my brother Kane, he just got back from a camp yesterday, i can't wait to see you in a bikini!" 

"Wait, who said i was going to wear a bikini?" I laughed, i hadn't worn a bikini in ages, i suddenly felt sub concious about my body.

"Haha, you will, i will pick you up in an hour , let Kirstin know." 

"Okay bye" I hung up.

I quickly texted Kirstin telling her to get ready without telling her Jasons brother would be coming with us.

She replied and arrived at my house ten minutes later.

"Hi Mr Swanson" Indie said politely to my dad who was just leaving.

"Hello Kirstin, I've got work so have a good day you two." Dad waved as he walked towards his car.

Kirstin ran towards me with a bag of bikini's, she probably wanted help picking one. We headed upstairs into my room and turned the radio on loud.

"Alright should i wear this blue one or the pink one?" She held the pieces up twirling.

I laughed as i pointed towards the blue one. I looked in my wardrobe for a bikini set when i spotted the ugly pink polka dotted one.

"Oh my gosh...ew" I yelled.

Kirstin came over and laughed, she pulled it out and started joking around.

"Or should i wear this one!" 

"No Kirstin, what am i going to wear!" I said in a serious tone.

"Wear this one!" 

She chucked a dark red set towards me. I stared at it, it was tiny.

"It's new , thats all i got so its that or nothing....well or the dotted one " She cracked up laughing!

She ran into the bathroom and changed into her bikini, her figure perfectly showing. Why couldn't i look good in bikinis?

"Your turn!" 

She shoved me into the bathroom, I quickly chucked on the bikini and walked towards Kirstin. 

"How do i look?"

Her mouth was wide open, she moved away so i could look in the mirror. I looked amazing, the colour matched my hair colour and skin tone. I laughed as i chucked a jersey over me and a pair of shorts.

My phone vibrated indicating i had a message. I quickly checked it and slid on a pair of jandels.

"They are here Kirstin!" I yelled, over the loud music, i ran a brush down my hair and headed downstairs.

Jason stood at the front door as i opened it.

"Hello cutie!" he grabbed me by the waist and brushed his soft lips against mine, i formed a smile on my lips ad I leaned in for more just when i was enjoying it Kirstin began coughing making us stop. 

"Can we go now?" Kirstin laughed walking towards the car.

"We shall continue this later." Jason kissed me once more before grabbing my hand, i quickly shut the door and sat in the back of the car.

"Seat belts on?" Jason said starting the car.

"Yep" we all said as i sat with my legs crossed.

"Hi i'm Kane" 

Suddenly a tall looking blonde moved to the side of his seat and offered his hand. I sat there with my mouth wide open.

"Hi i'm Kirstin." Kirstin grabbed his hand shaking it. 

I sat there quiet as he turned around, Kirstin giggled and whispered to me.

"He is so hot!" she laughed. 

Kane looked nothing like Jason, how could i be thinking about how good looking he was when i was going out with Jason.

"Alright we're here!" Jason parked in a shaded spot and hopped out of the car. I took my jersey off and place it in my bag. Just when i was taking my shorts off Jason opened the door.

"Woah, sorry!" He stood there staring at me. 

"Crap, it's too much isn't it, i knew it!" I grabbed my jersey and was about to put it back on when a hand stopped me.

"No , you look amazing!" 

I smiled and grabbed his hand as i slid out of the car. It was really hot and there were so many people here. Jason grabbed my waist as we headed towards the shore. 


A/N: Hey all, so first of all i apologize for making you guys wait for ages when people actually read my stories, this chapter is really rushed and i probably will redo it. 

I kind of have an idea as to what will happen in this story so please bare with me as i type chapters out.

Thanks for reading!!!


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