Newt | 1

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Truth or Dare
Word count: 1128

"Guess who?" A familiar brittish accent asked. "Get your hands off of my face Newt!" I giggled.

He laughed and sat down beside me looking up at the sky. I looked over at him and sighed.

Newt is just so perfect. He is handsome, has this adorable accent, blonde messy hair, a sweet and caring personality, great sense of humour and the most dazzling golden brown eyes.

And here I am drooling all over him. Typical right? I fell in love with my best friend. But that's how it is, I rather have him as my best friend than losing him by admitting my feelings for him.

"I was just gonna ask you if you want to play a game with us?" Newt asked, using his thumb to point behind us.

I turned around to see Minho, Thomas, Gally, Chuck, Ben and some others sitting near a tree.

"Yeah sure." I smiled. "Good that! Piggyback ride?" He grinned. "Piggyback ride." I exclaimed and jumped on his back laughing.

He started walking and I slung my arms around his neck bringing our bodies closer. Luckily he couldn't see my blush.

"Allright the loveshucks have arrived we can start now." Minho smirked. My cheeks got even more red and I jumped off of Newt's back and sat down in between Thomas and Frypan.

"What game are we playing?" I asked. "Truth or dare!" Chuck answered excited. I groaned loudly. Truth or dare is not my favorite game. Being the only girl in the glade means being used for all the stupid dares.

"(Y/N) stop complaining, Thomas you begin." Minho said. Thomas' eyes scanned the group and stopped on me. How suprising. "(Y/N) truth or dare?" He asked.

I didn't want to come across as a coward so I went with dare. "I dare you to climb the highest tree in the deadheads."

I sighed in relief, compared to what these boys made me do in earlier games this was a piece of cake.

I searched for a tree and started climbing it. I heard someone whistle, but I was to busy focusing on not falling down.

In no time I was back on the ground again. All the boys stood there with stupid smirks on their faces grinning at each other, some even high-fived. Then It clicked.

"You just made me do that so you hormonal little shuckfaces could stare at my butt!" I yelled shoving Thomas. He just started laughing. I turned to Newt. "Even you!" I said hitting his shoulder. "You do have a nice butt babe." He winked.

My cheeks turned bright red. "Oh look she's blushing!" Minho exclaimed.

I glared at Minho and made my way back to where we were sitting earlier. I was so gonna get them back.

A few moments later everyone sat on their spot again. It was my turn now and I decided to pick Minho since he was so nice to mention my red cheeks to everyone back there.

"Minho truth or dare?" I asked with a dark grin. He hesitated for a moment but then said "dare." perfect. "I dare you to twerk for us." When I said that the gladers started laughing . Minho gave me the 'are you kidding me look' but I just laughed.

When we were running in the maze a few days ago he told me how good he thought he was at twerking, I can't wait to see for myself.

Minho stood up and walked to the middle of the group. Frypan and Jeff made a beat using sticks and the rest cheered. Minho gave me a last glare and started twerking.

Everybody broke out in a fit of laughter, it was beyond horrible! I couldn't stop laughing neither did the others.

"Stop laughing now slintheads, I bet nobody can beat me. My twerking is fabulous." He said, while sitting down again.

I laughed. But then noticed minho smirking at me. Ohgod. "Y/N truth or dare?" He asked giving me the same cheeky grin.

I thought for a second. If I was gonna say truth he would definitely give me an awful question, because he knows I have a thing for Newt.

"Dare" I answered trying to sound as confident as possible.

"I dare you to kiss the boy you're secretely in love with." He said with the biggest smirk possible.

Can someone please kill the guy. What a klunkhead. The gladers whistled. I couldn't help but panic on the inside though I hid it with an eye roll.

Suddenly I got an idea. "I will, but you all have to close your eyes and no peeking."

They all closed their eyes and some even pouted their lips. Ew.

I glanced over at Newt. Why would I embarrass myself in front of everyone? they wouldn't even notice If I ran off.

So that's what I did, I stood up and tiptoed away from them, as quiet as possible.

When I was far enough I started running, laughing at the thought of how they'd react when they noticed I was gone.

I climbed up the look out tree hoping they wouldn't find me there.

Not long after I could hear them calling my name and running around looking for me.

I chuckled quietly. But then I felt the platform shaking, someone was coming up! Not a second later Newt's cute face appeared and then the rest of him.

"You sneaky little bastard." Newt chuckled sitting down next to me.
"Shhh" I said bringing a finger to my lips.

"Please don't tell them I'm up here. Please Newtieee?" I pleaded using the puppy eyes. "Allright but only if you tell me one thing." I raised my eyebrows as to tell him to continue.

"Who would you've kissed?"

I suddenly found my shoes very interesting.

He used his index finger to lift my chin so our eyes would meet. "Who?" He repeated.

I thought I saw something of hope in his eyes.

"You" I whispered barely audible, my cheeks turning a deep shade of red.

A huge smile spread across Newt's face and he cupped my face with both his hands.

"Good that." He whispered and closed the gap between us by pressing his lips against mine.

It took me a second to realize what was happening but then I kissed back.
My hands found their way to his hair while our lips moved in sync. He pulled away way to soon and looked at me.

"(Y/N) I bloody love you." He said out of breath.

"I bloody love you too Newt." I giggled.

He smiled and leaned forward to peck my nose.

"Please be mine?" He asked.

"Absolutely." I answered with the biggest grin possible.

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