Chuck | request

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My little brother
Word count: 2313
For: thedemonbirdkid

"Gally, I need you and Luka to start working on the new shed. Get it done by the end of this week." Alby commanded.

We nodded and gathered the supplys and tools.

I do not really like Gally, but as long as he does his part and we get done with the job, everything is cool.

We worked in silence, at least with Zart or Newt you could have a laugh. But Gally is either arrogant or grumpy. So not talking is the best solution.

I was carrying some logs from the deadheads to the shed,when suddenly the greenie alarm went off.

I dropped my things and sprinted to the box. A big group already gathered around it.

I always get excited when a new arrival shows up. At least it is refreshing, living in the glade can be boring sometimes.

Gally and Alby pulled the box open, and Newt jumped in.

I couldn't quit catch what he said to the newbie, but probably something standard like. "Don't be scared" or "we won't hurt you."

It was taking longer than usual though, I pushed through the boys and had a better sight of the greenie.

He had brown curls, and from what I could see also dark eyes. He is quit chubby but in a funny kind of way. And he seems young. Like way to young to be here.

I don't know how old we are, but this kid definitely is no older than 14.

I know it sounds weird and it kind of freaks me out, but somehow it feels like I already know this kid. He's somewhat familiar.

"Alright guys put down the rope." Alby called.

"You heard what he said! Grab the damn rope shuckface." Gally yelled at the boy who was still hiding in one of the corners.

"Is he deaf or something?" One of Gally's disciples asked.

"He's probably to busy klunking himself." Gally snorted.

I glared at him.

"Back off Gally, he's just a kid." I lowered my voice.

"So what?! Does that mean I have to give him a special treatment? Look around Luka we're all still kids." He raised his voice.

I took a step forward.

"Why do you always have to act like a dick? The greenie is terrified and you can't show even a little bit of respect, only a year ago it was you in that box."

"Well I at least turned out to be useful. This kid won't be good at any job." Gally went on. What the shuck is his deal?

The greenie was now out of the box and looked at us with big frightened eyes.

"So what's your name huh?" Gally asked now turning his attention to the boy.

"I-I don't know." He whispered.

"You don't know? How sad is that. What about I'll call you shank." Gally's friends started laughing.

My blood began to boile.

"You are totally gonna love your job as a slobber." Gally went on.

"okay really back off Gally, he hasn't done anything to you!" I now yelled.

"And why would I listen to you?" He said coming threatingly close.

"Because I'm the only one that actually dares to tell you, that you're a shuckface with some serious anger issues. No one likes you Gally."

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