Newt | request

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Stuck in the Maze
Word count: 1386
For: Levviosa147

"They should be back already, where are they?!"

"Calm down Sam, Alby and Newt can take care of themselves." Minho reassured me, but it didn't help at all.

If those walls closed with Newt outside I would literally go out of my shucking mind.

There are so many things that can go wrong, they could encounter a griever, or get lost, or hurt by something else.

Newt can't even run properly because of his limp!

"Quit the worrying, go make yourself useful and help Jeff and Clint with bandaging the slicers." Minho said.

I glared at him. "I'll be waiting at the doors."


I sat down in front of the doors resting my head in my hands. A few other gladers joined me.

Every minute I'd look at my watch to see that time is running out.

"Shouldn't we send some help?" The greenie said, I forgot his name.

"That's against the rules. We can't risk losing more people." Gally said arms crossed and a frown on his face.

Hearing him say that stung a little.
I knew it was against the rules but I wished so badly that one of them would do something.

I grew more anxious every second, if someone touched me right now I'd probably burst out crying.

A loud click echoed through the glade and the big stone walls started moving.

I was on my feet in a second and covered my mouth with my hands. Tears were forming in my eyes.

They are not gonna be on time!

Then a glader started yelling and pointed to the maze.

I followed his gaze and a flicker of movement catched my eye. It is Newt with one of Alby's arms around his neck, dragging the boy with him.

3 meters between the two walls.

they were still a good 50 meters away.

The gap was growing smaller and only seconds remained.

Only 2 meters.

Around me the gladers were screaming for Newt to go faster. But he wasn't gonna make it. It was too far.

1 meter.

Just wide enough for me to run through. And I did.

Behind me people tried to pull me back but they failed.

I ran full speed through the gap and collapsed to the ground just when the doors closed with a loud thwack.

For a moment my body was numb. I couldn't say nor move anything. What did I just do?

As soon as reality hit back in I moved over to Newt and Alby.

"N-newt?" I asked. But it didn't came out much more than a whisper.

He slowly looked up and his eyes grew wide.

"Sam?" he asked astonished.

He looked awful. His face covered in cuts and bruises. And a nasty wound on his arm.

I looked over at Alby, he was passed out but I only now noticed the wound on his head.

"What happened?" I asked looking back at Newt.

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