Newt | 5

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Challenge accepted
Word count: 1283

Newt's pov

I was sitting with Thomas, Minho, Zart, Winston, Ben and some others talking about how our days went, and other glade stuff.

Y/N walked up to us. Looking pretty as usual. "Hey guys, have you seen Chuck?" She asked.

I know it is kind of weird. But whenever she's around it's like my eyes are glued to her.

You could say I have a crush on her. Make that a bloody big one. But I'm not really planning on telling her. Afterall I am second in command. So being more than friends would be inappropriate I guess.

"He was with Alby in the deadheads earlier." Thomas said, sending her a wink.

"Thankyou." She smiled and walked away continue-ing her search for Chuck.

I shrugged out of my gaze and turned back to the gladers. Noticing they were all checking her out.

"Shuck she's hot." Ben sighed.

"Tell me about it." Zart grinned.

"Did you see that, she was giving me the look." Minho proudly smirked.

"In your dreams Minho, she was totally flirting with me." Thomas argued.

"Okay lets make this interesting then, first one to kiss Y/N wins." Minho now said.

I rolled my eyes. Were they really gonna do this?

"Are you challenging me?" Thomas asked, eyebrows raised.

"Oh not only you, I'm challenging everyone." Minho smirked making sure to also look at me.

"I'm in!" Winston laughed. Zart, Thomas and Ben also cheered. I rolled my eyes again.

"I'm not only going for a kiss, soon she'll be my girlfriend." Thomas smirked.

Minho tightened his face and then a smile broke out. "That sounds even better, challenge accepted." He smirked. Then his eyes landed on me. Probably noticing my frown.

"What Newt you afraid to lose?" Thomas laughed nudging my shoulder.

Are they bloody kidding me? What has gotten into their heads.

"Earth to newt, you're in or what?" Minho repeated waving a hand in my face.

"I'm not, good luck shanks." I mumbled getting up and leaving them with their stupid bets.

WICKED may took our memories, but I can't remember them also wiping our good manners.

I hope this will just blow over in a few days.

Y/N's pov

The last few days had been weird. Every few minutes a boy would come up to me to give a compliment, or to ask if I needed something. Not that I minded it because I don't, defintely not. But something felt off.

I made my way to the mess hall and Frypan handed me a plate with smashed tomatoes. "Thanks Fry" I smiled and sat down at my usual table. Next to Chuck Minho Newt and Thomas.

"Hey Y/N, how was your day?" Thomas asked.

"The usual, nothing exciting." I said.

"You do look really pretty today." He complimented, my cheeks heatened up.

"Thomas you can stop already, I'm sure Y/N would rather want a real man." Minho send me a wink.

I laughed, was this some kind of bet? Why is everyone so flirty. I don't know but I kind of enjoyed it.

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