Newt | 3

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I can make you happy
Word count: 1592

3 years. It has been 3 whole years since I got send up here. I have been one of the first ones to arrive and have been running through the maze ever since.

But still we have not even the most tiny bit of a clue. We're trapped and it's slowly getting to me that we will never ever find a way out. And that is not even the worst of all problems.

My main problem is that I'm not only trapped inside of a giant maze, I'm trapped in it with a bunch of teenage boys.

Now for most girls I think that would be a dream come true, i have to admit there are a few handsome faces around here, but to me it is shucking annoying.

The constant flirting, teasing and sexual remarks.

At first I didn't pay much attention to it. Hoping they'd stop, but they never did. So that's how I became this very not so loving girl.

Most of the boys are scared of me, even though they won't admit it. And well.. the other half tries to get in bed with me. Not that one of them actually accomplished that, I'm not the kind of girl that lets herself be pushed around by some stupid boys.

Plus I don't even have time for that, dealing with the Maze and the Grievers is enough.

At first Alby wouldn't make me a runner but once he did I turned out to be one of the best we've got. I usually run with Minho, he's what you could say the closest of friend that I got around here. The only other gladers I talk to are Newt, who is also a friend and Alby, but only because he is in charge.


"How much time do we have left?" I asked Minho breathing heavily. "2 minutes before they close." He answered fastening his pace. I did too and we were now running as fast as we could.

Normally we would enter the maze perfectly on time but today we had decided to follow one of the grievers, not that good of an idea since we are nearly trapped in this shuckmaze.

"1 MINUTE Y/N RUN!" Minho now yelled. An adrenaline rush took over my body and my heart pumped so hard I was afraid it would fall out of my chest.

We turned the familiar corners. Right. Left. Right. By the last corner we could see the Maze but the walls already closing.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion from then. Us running high speed to the walls, Minho slightly faster than me. My chest rising up and down like crazy. I turned my head back to the Walls, in between them I could see the other gladers yelling at us. "MINHO! Y/N! COME ON!!"

The walls were now only a meter away from each other. Minho went before me and pushed his body through the still closing walls. I was right behind him and just before the walls closed I fell to the ground.

A few seconds I felt nothing and was about to pass out. Until someone shook me. "Y/N? Y/N you okay?!" I recognized the thick accent. Newt. I didn't respond directly and looked at my surrounding instead.

Almost all gladers were gazing at me. I looked away feeling slightly uncomfortable. I turned back to Newt.

"Uhm yeah I'm fine." I said but my voice not more than a whisper.

To be honest I wasn't fine. I felt like throwing up and every muscle in my body was burning. But it wouldn't help to bother him with that.

"Let me help you up." Newt offered. I normally would've pushed him off. But I was scared my body would fall right back into the ground if I tried to stand up myself, so I let him.

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