Newt | request

916 35 1

Take care of you
Word count: 1074
For: AngelRunner

Even after being in the glade for weeks, I'm still not used to this place. and the fact that I'm the only girl doesn't make it any better.

Insults and sexual remarks are thrown my way all day long.

The only guys around here that do appreciate me are Thomas, Minho, Chuck and Newt. Oh Newt.

Newt was the one to pull me out of the box and even though I was terrified at the time I knew that he would be the one for me.

So falling in love with him was unavoidable.

Though he never showed me any signs of affection, meaning he doesn't return the feelings.

But enough about my pathetic love story, let me tell you more about how things go in the glade.

As I told you earlier not many gladers like me but that doesn't keep me from doing my job.

I am a runner, I insisted Newt on letting me run so I wouldn't have to deal with all the klunk which the other gladers gave me.

In the maze I can just be alone with my mind, and I love it.

Though I always get this hollow feeling in my chest when I have to return to the glade.

Gally and his friends occasionally wait me up to call me names.

I have never told anyone about it, afraid that I would lose the only friends I have.


The Sun was setting and I looked up at the enormous maze walls. I glanced back at my watch to see it was time to return to the glade.

I was slightly later than usual, so I fastened my pace.

About half an hour later I entered the glade perfectly on time.

"What a shame, Gracie's back." Gally's voice made me look up to see him and two of his disciples. An annoyed groan escaped my lips.

"Couldn't you just stay out there?" I ignored him and made my way to the map room. Ofcourse Gally followed me.

"Now you ignoring me huh, why didn't you just stay there? It's obvious no one wants you here." The other two snickered at his remark.

I was so utterly done with his bullshit and turned around in one swift movement. "What do you want from me Gally?!" My voice was pitched and it held a clear hint of fear.

"What I want from you?! Well that you disappear, wasn't that obvious ?" He took a step closer towards me.

"You're useless and the only thing you're good at is being a pain in the ass, there's a reason we voted you as runner.." He came so close that I could feel his hot stinky breath on my face. "It's because we hope you might die out there."

I couldn't fight the tears forming in my eyes anymore.

"Are you gonna cry now?! You little cry baby." Gally shoved me causing me to fall to the ground. He hovered over me, about to do i don't know what, when a voice made him look up.

"Gally you piece of shit get the bloody hell away from her!" To my relief it was Newt.

Gally made himself tall and his two friends backed him up, quit intimidating to be honest.

Newt went straight for Gally and shoved him into the other two, looking mad as shuck.

"I told you to stay the shuck away from her, what bloody part is not clear about that?!" He shoved Gally once again.

"Calm down Newt, there's nothing going on here. Right Gracie?" All boys turned towards me.

I felt extremely uncomfortable with all the attention and fixed my gaze to the ground.

"I don't buy any of that you klunkhead, I'm gonna talk to Alby about this. And I swear to god.." Newt took another step towards Gally and placed a threatingly fist on his chest. "Next time this happens I will get you banished."

The look on Gally's face was priceless, he probably wanted to punch Newt in the face but that would get him banished for sure so he couldn't.

"Now get out of my sight." Newt spit next to Gally's feet and gave him a dirty look before turning towards me. Gally glared at me before quickly walking away.

Newt held out his hand which I gratefully took, it reminded me of when he pulled me out of the box.

"Hey you okay?" He whispered, using his thumb to stick a strand of hair behind my ear.

I nodded, not being able to speak with the forming lump in my throat. I looked away to prevent myself from crying.

"Gracie.." his voice was soft. "Look at me." He used his index finger to gently lift my chin. "Does this happen often?" I nodded slowly.

"Bloody hell why didn't you tell me, I could've done something." His eyebrows were knitted together in a frown.

"I-I don't know." My voice cracked.

Newt pulled me into a warm and tight hug. "You should've told me, It's my job to protect you." He whispered into my hair.

"I-I just didn't want to cause any trouble." I whispered.

Newt pulled away so he could look into my eyes.

"How could you think that?" The frown on his face got only bigger.

"Because Gally is right, I'm useless." I looked at the ground again.

"Please tell me you don't believe that klunk, listen to me. You're important, I-I love you." His words made me look up.

"You what?" It didn't came out as more than a whisper.

"I love you Gracie, I really do and if there's someone important in this bloody glade than it's you. You're pretty much the only reason I wake up in the morning." He confessed.

I was speecheless, I had dreamed about this moment for so long and never thought it would actually happen.

"I love you too Newt, since the day you pulled me out of that box." It was the first time in a while that a smile formed itself on my face.

"Then please let me take care of you, I'm gonna make sure no one touches or hurts you ever again.." He pulled me into another hug.

"..I'm gonna take care of you."


Hope you enjoyed this. I'm going on vacation for 3 weeks so I won't have wifi all the time, but I'll try to update more.

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