Newt | request

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Haters to lovers
Word count: 1137
For: GirlInTheMaze15

Newt and I aren't exactly friends. Well that's kind of an understatement. We hate each other. I'm not entirely sure why, but we do.

To be honest I do not really know much of Newt, only that he's rude, annoying and a shuckface.

I do have to admit that he is gorgeous. But as they say an ugly inside is an ugly outside.

Today a new greenie showed up, and as usual we have a bonfire night. Not really my thing.

As soon as the gladers drink Gally's recipe they behave like animals. Fighting and hitting on girls, and guess what I'm the only girl.

You probably understand why I normally skip the bonfires, but Thomas insisted that I should come tonight.

So here I am, sitting alone on a tree trunk waiting for Thomas who is nowhere to be found.

Someone coughed behind me, hoping it was Tom I turned around but it was Gally.

Let me tell you something about Gally, he is even worse than Newt. Just like Newt he likes to pick on me and insult me, but Newt has never actually touched me.

However Gally had no problem with punching me, I had to walk around the glade with a black eye for a month.

"What do you want?" I asked harshly.

He looked me up and down before looking to my eyes again.

"I wanna make out." He said with a disgusting smirk plastered on his stupid face.

"Get lost Gally." I glared at him.

"What am I not good enough for you huh Shanley?!" He wasn't planning on leaving me alone.

I was about to come out with some witty and sarcastic comeback, fully well knowing it would probably end up getting me punched when I got interrupted.

"Leave her alone." A voice behind me says. One I'd recognize out of a thousand. Newt.

My jaw drops open slightly before I hastily snap it shut again. Newt is defending me?

Gally glares back at Newt, but eventually leaves giving me one last dirty look.

Once Gally was out of sight I turned to face Newt. "Since when are you being nice?" I asked eyebrows raised.

"Better not think too much of it, you're still a shuckface." He huffed.

"Then why would you defend me?" I rested my hands on my hips.

"Because he can better go pick on someone else, you're a waiste of time. In every way actually." He stated. A hard stare.

"Whatever, I'm out of here." I stood up and went to my room in the homestead.

I'm not really the kind of person to show my feelings, but I do have them. And right now everything just got too much.

Once I locked myself in my room tears started to roll down my cheeks.

I hate crying, but I have been pretending to not care for too long now. I can't hold it in anymore.

I let myself fall on the bed and cover my face with my pillow.

After crying for what felt like hours Someone knocked on my door.

"Go away Thomas!" I yelled, but it didn't come out more than a huffled sound.

"Y/N?" The person asked.

I couldn't quit make out who it was because of my sobbing, but definitely not Thomas.

I wiped my tears and fixed my hair before opening the door, to reveal the one person I didn't wish to see.


"Have you been crying?" He asked.

"No shuckface what does it look like?" I mumbled.

A silence followed.

"What the shuck are you even doing here?" I made sure to glare the best I could.

"To uh check up on you, you seemed kind of upset." He muttered.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. One moment he tries his best to make my life a miserable pile of klunk and the next moment he checks up on me?!

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"I-I" he was looking for words but I didn't let him finish.

"You can't ruin my life and the next moment act like you care! Oh and for the record you're the reason that I'm crying!" I was now yelling at the blonde haired boy.

"Shanley I-I'm sorry." He stuttered.

I let out a very unlady like snort. "You're sorry?!" I repeated offended. "And what for exactly?"

I couldn't believe this boy.

"What have I ever done to you?! Really Newt what is your deal?" I yelled at him.

He looked at me dumb-founded. After a good minute of angry staring I still didn't get a response.

"You can't even give me a damn explanation?!" I yelled frustrated.

He just stared at me with his big golden brown eyes. No idea what was going on inside of his head.

"I'm done with you." I was about to throw the door in his face.

"Wait." Newt blocked the door and came inside. Now standing right in front of me.

"What do you want?" I snarled.

"I want to try something." Before I could say something else he grabbed my face connecting our lips.

I wanted to pull away, but somehow I couldn't. It felt so right having his lips on mine but at the same time it felt wrong.

His hands lowered to the small of my back while my hands found their way to his hair.

Soon he had me pinned against the wall kissing down my collar bone.

Things were getting out of hand real quickly and I had to stop it.

I pushed Newt off of me. He gave me a puzzled look.

"Why did you kiss me?" This time he won't get away without answering me.

Again a long silence.

"Because I'm crazy about you. I like you, and I hate not having control over it." He spoke so fastly that I almost didn't hear it. But I did.

"That doesn't make sense, you hate me. Why else would you pick on me for the entire time I've been here?"

"I don't hate you, I just.. it bloody scares me that you make me feel different and I thought if I would be mean to you it'd go away." It took him a hard time to find the right words.

"So what do you expect me to do now huh? Just forgive you and make out with you after all those months?" I rested my hands on my hips.

"I was kinda hoping you would." A smirk moved it's way up to his face. I rolled my eyes.

Awh shuck it.

"This does not mean, I forgive you." I started. "It just means I like to kiss you." I added with a small smirk.

"Fine by me." Newt smiled pulling me in for yet another kiss.

Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now