Chapter Five

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Hi guys, so sorry I haven't really updated my story for a while, I have just had a creativity block and ahhhhhh, on with chapter five. talk to you at the end..

"And I think I like you..."

I lifted my head up and stared at Phil totally star shocked.

My emotions flew around, my eyebrows furrowed and my fists grew tighter.

I  wrote: "You know, it's not funny to pull pranks on your first day. Especially to someone like me!"

"I'm not pulling a prank..." Phil said softly, with a growing smirk on his face, right before he stood up and left the dining room.

I stared down at my blood soaked shirt, from where I engraved the words fat into my stomach, since it is what I am...

You know how people say: "Your scars don't define you as a person."? Well mine do. I have so many, and each one has its on story. I don't know how to explain depression, anxiety and stuff like that to another person, because if you don't experience it, you won't know the devastation of it. Don't ask, I don't know how to explain it to you...

People need to realise I hate myself.

I stood up and hid the blood with my blazer and ran towards my form. Thing is, I have to sit next Phil in like every lesson.

"Howell! You're late, you can join Lester tomorrow. Half an hour after school." My teacher announced as I walked in.

I flipped her when she wasn't looking and snatched a detention slip out of her hands.

I shuffled towards the back of the class, to where Phil was sitting. I sat down next to him, but  shuffled the chair as far away from him as possible.

"I don't bite Dan! Besides, y- y- you don't feel awkward, y- you feel sorry for me..."

I wrote: "How do you know? "

"I just do. I'm going to Spanish.Coming?"

I shook my heard, looking at my blood soaked shirt.


Phil hated what he said. He wish he never had. Phil sat in form, without Dan and stared at the empty chair next to him.

(A/N^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I know it was pretty pointless :333)


(A/N: Speech marks italics = writing          Italics = thoughts)

Phil, why did you tell!

I didn't want to live a lie?

What's the lie?

I didn't want to lie to him and say I like him as a friend!

I guess so,but things will be so awkward!

Just at that moment, Dan walked in. I quickly sat up and looked straight forward. He sat down, but shuffled as far away from me as possible.

"I don't bite Dan! Besides, y-y-you don't feel awkward, you feel sorry for me!"

Form ended and I asked Dan:

"I'm going to Spanish, coming?"

He shook his head at me.

I felt my emotions rise and mt embarrassment take over my body. Why? Why?! WHY? WHY!?

I was walking towards where I needed to be and a girl slapped my chest.

"Ow." I squealed.

"Phil, I'm Autumn, Dans friend. He told me to give you this. Also, if  you think you're going to take Dan away from me, think again. Break his heart and I'll break your neck. Clear?"

She had a very stern look and her tone was intimidating. She stood eye level to me, surprisingly, I'm kind of tall. She looked like a typical high school student, except she cared a lot.

I croaked out a "Clear." and gently took the note.

I kept on my inside pocket and walked into Spanish.

I sat down, luckily, I wasn't placed next to Dan.

This had been an eventful first day of year 11! For me anyway...

I took out the note and read it to myself.

"I think I like you too x"

(A/N HAHAHAHAH haahaha. hmmm. Okay  I'll stop now. As I said before, I am incredibly sorry for no update. To make up, I am about to type up chapter 6. Okay love you bye. Xx)

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