Chapter Fifteen

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(A/N: It's been a while...)


My holiday was good, went to Disney World and Miami and it was all well and good. When we arrived at the airport to go to home, I was feeling really travel sick, I always do, but, never this bad. I don't know, I decided to just forget about it and we got on our plane home. I was feeling really anxious, but it soon eased off when I fell asleep. When we eventually got back to England, it was dark and 10:30 at night. Our flight had (apparently) set off earlier than what it should have, so we got home so we could all rest a 12 hour flight.

Once we reached our house, it had a horrid smell of smoke, alcohol and everything nasty. We blamed it on our next door neighbours, Dan was making a great recovery, surely not now.

I swear to God.

I shrugged at my family and unlocked the door. Before I even had chance to slowly open the door to see a reaction, coughs, and lots of them. My heart stared racing and my thoughts blew up. I couldn't take the suspense any longer, so I pushed the door open and... Oh for fuck sake.

Dan, yet again, on the floor, covered in burn, cuts, reeking of smoke and alcohol. I felt teas fall down my cheek, tears that I didn't feel come out of my tear ducks. I leapt onto the floor and picked him up. His arms and legs were just skin and bone. You could play the xylophone on his rib cage and his face had gone grey and his contours look like a drag queen did her make up. I took a closer look at his arms, the words: 'I love you Phil, but I'm going now..' were engraved on his arms. Emotion filled tears fell down my cheeks.

"No you won't Dan" I mumbled. "You'll stay here. Trust me..."

My mum was already on the phone to the emergency service. Dan literally weighed feathers, he was lifeless and his pulse was unhealthily slow. As much as I was fed up of having moments like this, I really didn't want him to die on me. The ambulance came and I got in with him. I couldn't do anything now. I sat with my head in my hands, contemplating if I should bother with him.

About 10 minutes passed, until:

"NO!" A paramedic yelled. "We're loosing him!"

Lifting my head up, emotionless tears fell from my cheeks, staring at the lifeless skeleton before me. The sound of the heart rate machine was ever so slowly, slowing down. Paramedics were trying everything to keep him alive. Defibrillators, CPR, anything. His back arched with each zap of the defibrillators. I couldn't do anything apart from sit back and watch. The beeping of the heart rate machine stopped.

"NO!" I cried out loud.

Balling my eyes out, his chest was not moving. A few minutes passed and his chest lifted up again and was eventually going at a steady pace. I smiled. Although this can't carry on...


Dan finally woke up in the hospital.


"Hi Dan."

"P-Phil, I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry."

"Dan, it doesn't matter any more. I can't do this any more. We're over"

After that, I stood up and left the hospital and one of the people who I loved the most...

(A/N: HEEELLLLOOOOO!! I'm kidding, you're probably not impressed with me are you? Soz. I am so sorry, I have had no motivation to go on any social media recently. I haven't even had the motivation to read a fan fic, so, I really do apologise. I think I am going to write another chapter after I have published this one. Bye Guys! Bekah Xxx)

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