Chapter Six

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(A/N As promised :3)

"I think I like you to."

My heart pumped and my body stiffened. I clung on to the note, so tight I almost ripped it in half.

No! He's joking!

What if he's not?

Of course he is!

Don't doubt yourself Phil!

Needless to say, Spanish was confusing, not because of the lesson - even though that was confusing - the note.

I was baffled...

"Do you know what it means Lester?"


"N-no sorry miss." I stuttered.

I had no clue what the note meant, never mind the fucking lesson!

The lesson carried on, before miss announced:

"Time for paired work!"


Who would I work with? This whole class hates me, and I can't even look at Phil, never mind go near him without chocking.

Besides, he'd see my 'fresh' cuts and I would be even lower in his estimation - considering I was already at rock bottom any way.

You're low in everyones estimation Dan.


"D-D-Dan?" Somebody stuttered. "I c-can't f-f-find anyone t-to work with. C-c-can we w-work t-t-t-together?" It was Phil.

Needless to say, I had mixed emotions about that statement. In all honesty, I wanted to, but my instinct was telling me not to. My thoughts were telling me to, they were just saying to because they wanted to ruin my life anyway, which it's fine, they already have.

I stared into Phils ocean blue eyes and shrugged my shoulders. He stood in front of me, staring straight into my eyes.

A small smirk grew on his lips.

"Would you rather work with me or that fat kid over there?"

I responded with a shrug and wrote: "I guess you prove a point, I guess you can?"


Things between them wasn't as awkward as they imagined it to be.

It was at first:

Dan wrote: "I guess you prove a point, I guess you can?"

Phil sighed, with a very cheery expression, and sat opposite Dan, facing him.

Dan stared into Phils eyes, biting his lower lip.

Phil looked up from the work sheet in front of him and their eyes interlocked.

To get out of this awkward situation they were both in, Phil threw his head back and exclaimed loud enough so only Dan could hear: "I hate Spanish!"

Dans head shook, that got him out of this dimensional daze he was trapped in.

Dan banged his elbows in the table and smashed his head in his hands and wiped down his face, with his hands.

He leant back tossing his head backwards and lifting up his arms to stretch - and Phil could see the blood.

Phil noticed the blood and shook his head in a disappointed manor.

Dan noticed Phil, but not what he was shaking his head at. So he wrote: "What?"

"What do you think Dan! Also, you're far from that!" Phil explained sadly.

Dans cut on his stomach said 'fat'.

Dan shook his head in disbelief and stared down at the floor beneath him.

"Hey," Phil said, reaching for Dans forearms that were resting on the table.

Dan flinched at the touch of Phil.

Phil gave out a brave sigh.

"D-d-do y-y-" Phil couldn't speak at all.

Dan leant his head in, indicating for Phil to speak.

"It doesn't matter, it was a stupid idea..."

Dan still wanted to know what he was on about, so he wrote: "Phil, tell me." #

"Well, IwaswonderingifyouwouldwanttocometominebutotwasastupidideabecauseIknowyouwouldn'twantosoyeahsorryforasking."

"I'd like that."

Hi guys! Sorry this chapter took so long.

Much love! Xxx

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