Chapter Eleven

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(A/N: Okay, so I want to EXPLAIN a few things.

1) I am aware that this story is VERY VERY VERY VERY much like 'Speak Up Already' so, I am sorry for that, but, that story was my inspiration to create this one, so I am sorry to the writer of that fan fiction.

2) People are getting confused about what the italics mean so I will explain it here:

"example"   -   That is said words.

"example"   -   That is written words.

 example   -   That is thoughts.

example   -   That is my message to you guys.

I really hoped that cleaned things up, so lets get into the chapter!) 

"You fucking bastards." I exclaim through gritted teeth.

"LESTER! GET OUT OF MY ROOM NOW!" My teacher screamed at me.


End it.

I will.

Go on then.

And with the blink of an eye, I shot down to the floor in indescribable pain, bathing in blood.

I didn't see anything from beyond this point, all I could hear was slurs from who I'm guessing was Phil. My mind went dim and my thoughts were dead. Finally, I'm going to leave this planet, I'm going to die.

I have no idea what was happening to me, I was starting to wake up and my vision was blurry, but I can ensure you I was in an ambulance. I started to freak out and tried to stand up. The people in the ambulance were trying to calm me down.

At this moment in time, I was high on antibiotics that I didn't even know my own name. The ambulance people shushed me and gave me another shot of antibiotics, and I fell back into what felt like a coma. I hadn't woken up at all, however, when I did open my eyes, Phil was walking out of my ward. I tried to call for him, but I just had no energy to call out for anyone.


"GET OUT OF MY CLASS ROOM!" My teacher screamed at me.

I cursed under my breath, and walked out, slamming the door.

"What was that for?" She said finally coming out of the class room, all the students have left fro their next class and I was just stood there.

"No, you know what? It doesn't matter!y You know, my boyfriend just tried to kill himself and now, he's in a council paid hospital bed, high on antibiotics, and I can't even help him! This stupid, pathetic school doesn't realise what it's doing to him. Are you all trying to kill him? Even the teachers! Are you proud of what you are doing? Are you trying to kill him? Because to put it simply, you doing it successfully." I scoulded at here

"Lester." She began.

"Who is your, um, partner?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes and asked the obvious: "Who's not in?"

"Howe - Oh. Phil, I am sorry for what that must be like for you,  but there was absolutely no need for that language! I have no option but to put you in isolation till the end of break time. You can go to third period." She said with a flat expression on her face.

I scoffed at her and stormed towards the isolation room . Once I had reached the room, I didn't knock and I just barged in. I was the only person in here. 

"How long?" Some teacher asked me.

"Till break."

I slumped in my chair and did nothing, even though work had been set for me. If you haven't already realised, I am pretty pissed off. Dan was my boyfriend and I can't do anything to help him! My thoughts decided to run wild and the same images of Dan from yesterday came flooding my memory again. A single tear rolled down my cheek, and made it's way onto my lap. Just the thought of me rushing toward the hospital, but to see Dan with a cover over his head and a doctor telling me 'sorry' killed me inside. I love Dan way too much for him to die on me.

Break finished and I marched out of the tiny white box known as the isolation room. It was now third period and I took the longest route to it, Spanish. I went into the bathroom first and stared at my pale skin and blood shot red eyes. I was a mess. I fixed myself and sluggishly walked to Spanish class.


It was the next day and I was awake with about four different tubes in me and an oxygen mask plastered on my face. My brain was fully working now, so I looked around for a clock. 2:30pm, school was finishing in about half an hour. Phil should visit me right?

"Dan?" Some nurse came up and asked me.

I lifted my head up to her.

"No need to trigger you or anything, however, it is necessary I tell you this. You have lost a significant amount of blood, at least 1800 ml, which is three standard coke bottles. The cuts you have created on your arms, wrists, thighs, neck and stomach will either never heal up, or they will take a year or more to heal, since you did them so deep. Dan, just so you know. Things get better, I was in your position. Things get better. Chin up buttercups!" She said, placing her hand on my shoulder.

I nodded and gave her a small smile. 

She began to walk away. Those words haunted me and they went on in my head constantly. I hadn't realised that the words played in my head for 40 minuets. Phil should be here soon. I grabbed my note pad and read the last thing that was written in there.

"I love you too kitten."

A small smirked played on my lips, before the antibiotics kicked in again and I was knocked back into this coma like sleep. I need to stay awake for Phil!


Once the day had finished, I speeded home and jumped in my car and drove to the hospital. Dan. That is what was on my mind all day.

Once I was in the hospital and in Dans ward, a curtain was drawn around him. Okay? A nurse came up to me  and told me that the cuts he had created will scar and won't heal or they will take a long time to heal. She told me antibiotics kicked in again and he was asleep. The curtains were drawn because the hospital didn't know what I would think of the scars, so they drew the curtains. She gave me a hug which I would call it: 'It's okay' hug. As she pulled away, I couldn't help but notice the scars on her arms too. I gave her a toothless smile and walked towards Dans bed.

I sat down,  combing my fingers through his hair and stroking the cuts and scars. Tears began to roll down my ckeeks.

"It's all my fault isn't it?" I said really quietly, hoping no one would of heard me.

"Why is it your fault?"

I turned around and saw them.

(A/N: teehee!!!1!! I will talk to you later. PEACE!)

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