Chapter Twelve

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(A/N:  I dedicate this chapter to @benja_loves_mc because they gave me the motivation to carry this on. This chapter is filled with fluff and a big surprise at the end.)

"Why is it your fault?"

(A/N Sorry for the anit-climatic bit. Don't kill me!)

I turned around to see Autumn.

"Well? Why is it your fault? Phil, answer me! You said it was all your fault, so sit there and explain to me how it is all your fault!" She shouted at me.

I couldn't respond, I was sat there in complete and utter shock. How do I respond? She sat herself down and sighed.

"Look, it's not your fault at all." She began. "It never was, nor it will never be. I can't tell you his back story, that's up to him, not me. It would ruin everything me and Dan have. But listen..." She took her hands into mine and held them tight. "He loves you. He tell me near enough every day. I have to go. Dan doesn't even know I know about all this. I wasn't here okay?" She asked. I just responded with a nod as she wondered out of the ward.

He said he loves me? He says it everyday?

My lips couldn't help but smile at him.

"I love you too Bear." I said, chocking with tears of happiness.


I heard him. I couldn't help but grin.

I tossed over on my side, without opening my eyes,


I opened my eyes at him and gave a small smile.

"Dan!? Oh my god Dan!" Phil jumped out of his seat and hugged me tightly.

I had no energy to hug him back, but he knows.

"Dan!" A single tear dripped down his cheek. "Why?" His tone turned harsh and serious.

The small smile that was playing on my lips couldn't help but fade into a frown. I shook my head, staring down at the palms of my hands.

He gave out a 'Pissed Off' sigh.

A questionable looked formed on my face as he grunted.

"Why can't you just be honest with me?"

I tilted my head a little and looked at his body language. Needless to say, it wasn't giving me a good impression.

"Well? Dan answer me! If you actually do love me, you would tell me why you did it!" Phil snapped loudly at me.

I placed my finger over my mouth, telling him to be quiet.

"Kitten, I am sorry. But this is for me to know. I can't tell you. I haven't even told Autumn!" I wrote scruffily.

He gave a sad sigh.

"Dan, I love you to the moon and back, but I can't stand looking at the person I love in a hospital bed! And I can't do anything about it! Do you know how much it hurts to feel useless because you can't help the person you love?" He sobbed loudly so only I could hear.

Tears began to form in the corner of my eyes and as I blinked lightly, they trickled down my cheeks and he wiped my cheeks lightly with the back of his hand.

"Hey, it's okay. I don't want to make you cry, but don't you see how much I worry about you? The scars you have made probably won't heal at all . You do realise this? I love you way too much for you to die on me Dan. I can't but feel pointless if I can't help you. But can you see what this is doing to me? I got put in isolation because I told form they were all fucking bastards because I knew you wanted to say it, but never had the confidence to. So I did it for you. I love you so much kitten, nothing will ever change that." Phil explained softly, squeezing my hand and leaning down to kiss my forehead.

I smiled, grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to my lips, kissing him strongly. I guessed Phil accepted what was happening, as he joined in with it. I pulled away.

I'm going to do it.

Don't you'll regret it!

No I won't!

You stupid boy, yes you will! Cunt.

"I- I- I"


"Ph- P"

"Are you okay?"

"I- Ph- I"


"I- I l-love y-you Ph-Phil." 

(A/N Awwww. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I will see you later. Xxx)

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