Chapter Eighteen

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(A/N: Hello, here's another chapter.)

"Well, he looks familiar, but you're probably just high or something," PJ said, chuckling. "Look, sorry Philly, I need to go and study for an exam I have tomorrow, bye Philly!" PJ said, with a big grin on his face.

"Okay, bye P-slice." Phil mumbled.

The call ended and Phil stripped down to his boxers and clambered into bed. He couldn't sleep, all he could think about was this Dan guy. It's like not knowing the name of a TV show or movie or celebrity or a word. He couldn't think straight. However, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The next day, he got up early to edit and upload his video, had a shower, got dressed / ready and went to his first class. He was doodling in the back of his exercise book and suddenly had a thought.


The bell rang, and Phil ran straight back to his dorm and called PJ on Skype.

"Hey Phill-"

"I KNOW WHO HE IS!" Phil screeched down the laptop.

"Woah, okay Phil, calm down." PJ chuckled. "Well?"

Phil looked confused. "Well what?"

"Come on Phil, who is he?"

"Oh, well it's a long story." Phil said, sounding sad as he remembers the sad memories from his earlier life.

"I've got 2 hours to kill Philly, won't take two hours will it?"

Phil shrugged. "I guess. Well it started when I was in year 10 and I went to a new high school because I was being bullied in my old one. I came into a science class and I was sat next to this guy called Dan and turns out he was on mute, depressed and suicidal. Me and him developed a friendship, that soon turned into a relationship. We were dating and everything was well and good, he even moved into my house with me and my family. However, when he was still living at his own home, he tried to committed suicide, we were dating at the time and when we went to the hospital, I was over the moon to know he was going to live again. I was actually helping him recover. It was Christmas day and he became really quite and I was getting a little concerned. I just ignored it and blamed it on all my family coming over for Christmas and none of his family was there. Three days after Christmas, me and my family went on holiday to Florida, leaving Dan at my house. Whilst we were gone, Dan was smoking, drinking alcohol and, and-" Phil was cut off by the sinking feeling in his stomach and his eyes watering.

"Phil?" PJ asked.

Phil couldn't answer, he was sobbing in his hands and making his hands feel like a swimming pool of tears. After 2 mins of pure sobs, he continued.

"Okay, s-sorry. And he was cutting himself again. He committed suicide again, but this time, I'd had enough of it, he actually nearly died on the ambulance bed. When we got to the hospital, and when he woke up,  I broke up with him. I w-would refuse to leave my bedroom to eat with m-my family and only eat when I was a-assured they were all asleep. S-sorry PJ, you shouldn't see me cry, it's just he meant a lot to me and all these memories are just flooding back..." Phil said, sobbing and sniffling.

"Hey, it's okay Philly, I am on a spring half term this week, do you want to meet in London again?" 

Phil's grew a smile and nodded.


Me and Phil talked until I had to go. Little did Phil know I was already talking to Dan on Twitter DM's.

"Hey Dan."

"Hey PJ."

"I am going into London this week on Wednesday, want to come?"

"Sure, is anyone else coming?"

"Nope, talk to you later Dan."

"Bye PJ."

Just wait till you see each other....


I stood outside Covent Garden tube station, waiting for Dan or Phil. Phil appeared first and suggested we go and get food, but I asked if I could make a quick phone call. He said okay and got us some cokes.

"Dan? Where are you?" I asked, when Dan picked up.

"I'm one stop away from Covent Garden."

"Make it quick Danny boy." I said, hanging up, Phil came back, but I made it look like I was still on the phone. I heard someone calling my name, and I turned around to see Dan. A smirk grew and grew until I was smiling from ear to ear.

Dan walked over.

"Oh my god, sorry I'm late, I forgot to buy a ticket and then I lost my phone and then I- Phil?"

Phil turned around and saw Dan just stood there. 



PJ stood back as they both ran into each others arms, embracing themselves in each others arms.

"I've missed you so much Dan." Phil sobbed onto Dans shoulder, making his jumper damp.

"I've missed you too kitten."

(A/N: Hey, so sorry this took long, but after this I am going to write another phan fic, but it's not as depressing. Ily all Bekah Xxx)

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