Chapter Twenty Four

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(A/N: I guess I have nothing else to do, enjoy a chapter. ALSO i think theres a TW in here, idk yet.)


Nothing was up, apart from Dan and some razors :)

As Dan woke up, his thoughts still a mess, he saw Phil sleeping peacefully above him. Dan smiled at Phils cocked forward head (they fell asleep on the sofa). Dan sat up and yawned, making his way to the  bathroom. As he stared at himself in the bathroom mirror, actually smiling, his mind pinged. 

Dan what is that?
"My scars."
They're still there?
Lets give them a purpose again
Dan I'm your mind, do you think you can restrain from me?
So do as I say...

Dan did as his mind asked. It was like Dan was stuck in his mind as his body took control, almost like his mind was paralysed and his body was his new mind. As he reached for the old razors, he begins to think...

I haven't done this for a while,
And I don't want to do it again
But what's making me do it?
I'm pretty sure I have power over my body than what it has over me...
But I don't and it's all confusing.

He hadn't actually placed the razor on his skin yet, he was just sat up on his bed staring at the razor in the palm of his hand. Dan remembered of the promise he made to Phil, but broke several times. He grunted loud and clear to wake Phil up in the lounge. As Phil was walking towards the bedroom the noise came from, a razor pressed against Dans hips, slicing up and down, creating not really deep cuts, but deep enough to satisfy Dan. Phil placed his hands on the door handle and slowly pushed it down; thinking Dan was asleep - Dan wasn't asleep, so when he heard the handle clank, he pulled his black t-shirt down and pretended to fall asleep on the bed. 

When Phil fully opened the door and saw Dan, he went and sat down next to him and shook his stomach, but, it feels a bit weird; damp. Phil touched the damp area and saw it was a very light red blood colour. Assuming Dan wouldn't care because it's only Phil, Phil lightly pulled the t-shirt up and saw nice fresh wounds carved out of his hips. 

"I will fix you Dan, I will; because I believe in you. My mum always said you were special and that you're a keeper. Good god Dan, what am I going to do with you? Also, I knew you heard that, I can see you smiling.." Phil said poking Dans dimple. 

Dan lunged himself up and wrapped his arms around Phils build, knocking over to lie down on the bed. Phil squeezed his boyfriend into a tight hug, to tell him: 'everything will be okay.' They stayed peacefully cuddling until they had to go and see the apartments they were going to live in. 

Once dressed and sat down on the train station platform waiting for a train to London, Dan had a question for Phil. 


Phil hummed turning his head to face Dan.

"What does this move mean?"

Phil looked confused, until he realised what that means.

"Many things, but most of all; a new start." Phil said smiling sweetly. 

As Phils head remained focused on Dan, Dan brought his lips close to Phils, smiling before he softly pressed his light pink lips against Phils. The kiss was long, but sweet, it wasn't pointless or too passionate, it was meaningful and blissful. Not wanting to break apart but had to when a "OH MY GOD, DAN, PHIL!" could be heard from a reasonable amount of distance away. 


"Sush! Don't tell anyone, and who are you?" Phil butted in.

"I'm a fan. BIG fan. Hi, I'm Caitlin! I'm so happy right now oh my God. Can I have a hug?" Caitlin said, holding her lengthy arms out. 

Raising from their seats to give Caitlin a reluctant hug, they looked a bit uneasy. When they broke away and took a picture, Caitlin shooed her family away to 'speak' to Dan and Phil. 

"I won't say a thing, I promise! I'm secretive. I knew you guys were together though, you make it so obvious, aha. Right I'll leave you to apartment hunting. Byee!" She said cheerfully. Caitlin walked away, leaving Dan, Phil and an arriving train. 

They piled into their booth and watched as time flew past them in a immaculately quick blur. Not a word was spoken between the two, but it wasn't a uncomfortable silence. Dan was editing a video and Phil was about to fall asleep. After what happened with Caitlin, Dan was reluctant to upload this video - as it was a video of both Dan and Phil answering questions. Dan did end up screwing it and will upload when he got home.


Dan and Phil both decided on a apartment - that wasn't really an apartment, as it had an upstairs, it was kind of confusing, but it made sense to them. They were going to get a apartment with a circular lounge, but decided against it because they want to shut themselves out from human beings. Phil was in the lounge, scrolling through social media seeing the usual phan edit, meme and many  other things, but something caught his attention. It was a video, with him and Dan in the thumb nail and all the title said was "I met Dan and Phil!" So, Phil being himself, called Dan to watch it to, and they sat together on the sofa, watching this video.

"Hey guys it's Caitlin, just a lil update for you. Okay, I MET DAN AND PHIL LIKE OH MY LORD. As some of you know, Dan and Phil are moving to London, and I saw them at the train station - seeing as I was on my way to Liverpool. I asked for a selfie and they did, enjoy this," she inserted the selfie they took "...but this is when everything got strange." A long pause ensued whilst Phil looked at Dan worried, while Dans eyes were still glued to the screen. "I have it all on video! Dan and Phil admitted they were dating to me. Here, watch this video - it isn't of them, but I'm sure you can tell it's them.." she put a video in of Phil telling her not to tell anyone about Dan and Phils relationship. "That's all and I guess the message of this video, it don't believe everything you read or hear. Bye guys!" Then the video cut out. 


(A/N: I'm sorry this chapter took so long, but here. Ily all - Bekah xx)

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