Sugar Overload

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I ran around the bus like superman. I played many games and always won 50% of the time, which is good considering it’s an amusement park game. I won a superman cape, a basketball, and two stuffed animals. A Pokémon and a teddy bear. This was amazing. The only down side and possibly the stupidest thing I did here was go on a big major rollercoaster after eating. Yep that was a mistake. Not that I’ve ever gotten sick on a rollercoaster before, but when I got off I was dizzy and fell to the floor. Halfway through the day, Nat and I caught up with Sammy and we all went on some of the other roller coasters. It was an amazing day and now we’re back on our way to the condos just relaxing after today. I sat next Nat this time and we just laughed like crazy and ate some candy until Mr. M called us to attention.

“We are stopping off at Wal-Mart so you guys can buy some food, but don’t forget today is the last day and it’s the dessert contest,” he said while smiling. I looked over at Nathaly and we both nodded. We have to win that dessert contest. Not only for the prize but also for bragging rights, and I deserve those bragging rights. The prize is a free day during class and I want that free day to catch up on my sleep.

“What are we gonna make?” I whispered into Nat’s ear so no one else can hear and eavesdrop.

“I don’t know. You’re the smart one,” she said smiling. Since when have I been smart? Never I tell you.

“Fine I’ll come up with something,” and we both went back to eating some candy.

When we arrived at Wal-Mart, we grabbed a cart and ran to the food aisle as fast as we could. I got inside the cart and she stared to push me around to all the isles until I saw the Pop- Tarts.

“STOP!” I yelled. This caused Nat to come to a halt and nearly cause me to fly out of the cart.

“I got an idea for our dessert and it involves the deliciousness of those Pop- Tarts,” I said happily while pointing at the many different kinds of Pop- Tarts in front of me.

“We can make a little sand castle out of those Pop- Tarts, with an ice-cream and or brownie middle, some blue icing to make it look like the water. Then add some random gummy bears so it looks like they're attacking the Pop-Tarts castle and I think we may just win with our sugar overload dessert,” I said happily.

“Yay! Hooray for sugar overloads! Now the only problem is, what kind of Pop- Tarts are we gonna get? There are like a bazillion different flavors.” She said while looking at all the different kinds of Pop- Tarts there. Hmmm… chocolate chip, s’mores, frosted strawberry, chocolate chip cookie dough, hot fudge sundae, frosted brown sugar cinnamon, blueberry muffin, cookies & crème, and cinnamon roll. There are too many, how will I choose the perfect ones for Mr. M?

“Hey doesn’t Mr. M always have a box of Chocolate Chip Pop- Tarts in his office?” Nat asked and I got wide eyed. It’s true! I nodded and pointed at them from my seat in the cart. Nathaly went and grabbed three boxes of them and we went to the icing isle where we just grabbed some plain vanilla icing and blue food coloring. The icing was amazing because it came with sprinkles, two for one. We got two bags of gummy bears, a big box of Oreo’s (just for me), vanilla ice cream, and a chocolate brownie. When we got out of Wal-Mart, we were happy with our dessert idea. No one is gonna beat us now.

“Nat spread the plate with the icing and put the brownie in the middle,” I said while getting Pop- Tarts and gummy bears out. Nat stopped mixing the food coloring in the icing and started to spread it evenly then put the brownie there. I’m gonna put a big scoop of the ice-cream at the end on top of the brownie, meanwhile Nat got the Pop- Tarts trying to make a castle using the icing as glue but not making the top yet. I grabbed the gummy beards and just let them go anywhere. I put some on the icing as if they were drowning and somewhere cut in half. I put so on the castle using the icing to make them stick on there and making a crown on one with the icing.

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