Talking to the Monster

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It's been two weeks since I've joined the Akatsuki and they were like a family to me already.  Kisame wouldn't let me out of the cave because he said that others will try and take me away because of my beauty.  I tried to tell him that will never happen, but he still won't let me leave without someone with me.  Konan said that she would let me wear some of her cloths till we can go shopping to go get some for me.  I asked why I couldn't go get my stuff from the village, but they said that I could get hurt by just showing up after becoming rouge. 

Today I was going to get some clothes with Konan and Tobi.  Konan told me to go to Kakuzu to get some money so I could get clothes.  So here I am outside his door waiting for him to open it and ask what I wanted.  Just as I thought that he wasn't there he opened the door.  "What do you want (yn)?" he asked me.  "Konan sent me to ask you for money so I could go get some more clothes," I said to him.  Hidan in the corner of the room looked up and stared at me like, 'RUN!'  Kakuzu took a deep breath and said "sure."  Hidan looked like he had just seen the scariest thing in his life as he watched his partner.  Kakuzu handed me a bag of money and I thanked him and walked away. 

I walked back in the living room and met up with Konan and Tobi.  When they saw the money in my hand their eyes widened.  "He really gave you money?" Konan asked.  "Yes, why?" I asked them both.  it wasn't that weird really. 

Konan's POV

He really gave her money!?  This is not the same Kakuzu at all.  Ever since (yn) showed up, Kakuzu hasn't been the same.  He has been more open and doesn't wear his mask a lot anymore.  Does he.... no he couldn't.  He could never do that or feel that way about anybody. 

Maybe he really does like her.  It's not that weird to like someone, everyone likes someone at some point in their life, but Kakuzu?  I could never picture him liking anyone ever, which is saying a lot since he's immortal.  Well if (yn) could get him to open up then let it be, I have always thought that they would make a good couple. 

Your POV

We finally set off and I got clothes, then we go back to the hide out.  Konan and I went back to our room and she closed the door.  "I think he likes you," she said to me.  "What?" I asked.  "Kakuzu," she answered.  I sat there for a minute and then started laughing on my bed.  "You think he likes me?  Why would he like me?"  "You don't see it do you?" she said smiling, "the way he looks at you, the way he will make sure you feel okay, HIM giving you money."  It then hit me, he really might like me.  He is a criminal doing all those things for a girl like me. 

Hidan's POV

There is something wrong with Kakuzu.  He NEVER gives ANYBODY money.  Does he feel alright, is he sick at all?  He turned around to see me staring at him with wide eyes.  "Dude, are you feeling okay?" I asked.  "Yeah why?" he asked me.  "You just gave the chick money."  "And?" he said with a bored face.  Then it hit me, he likes her.  I smiled and he looked at me like 'what the heck do you want?'  "You like her don't you?" I asked.  He looked like he just got hit by a brick and coughed a little.  "No!  Why would I like her?" he answered.

"Sure you don't," I chuckled.

Kakuzu's POV

Do I like (yn)?  That would explain why my heart hurts every time I see her.  Her (hl) (hc) hair and (ec) eyes.  Oh crap, I really do like her.

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