To Show Her I Love Her

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Kakuzu's POV

I can't take it anymore.  She only been here for a month and I already think I love her.  It also makes me mad and upset when I see her with Kisame, which he is around her all the time.  It's just annoying to see her with him. 

Yeah sure I gave her some money, but now everyone thinks that something is wrong with me.  Is there something wrong with me?  I know what it is, I think I'm in love with (yn).

I made up my mind last night as I stared up at the ceiling, I would have to get her to love a monster like me.

Kisame's POV

Kakuzu has been acting really strange lately, it started when (yn) arrived at the base.  I found out that she is a distant cousin of mine so I took it upon myself to take care of her, Itachi also agrees that Kakuzu is not himself anymore.  Konan has told me that he might like her and that she likes him as well, but I don't want (yn) getting hurt by him. 

She is too beautiful to be taken advantage of, or used.  She needs someone to look after her to make sure no one hurts her in any way.  Kakuzu did seem a little put off at the fact that I was hanging around (yn) a lot, in fact he looked like he would rip my head off at any given moment.

(yn) and I were in the kitchen trying to decide what to make for dinner tonight when Tobi bounded in.

"(yn)-chan, Kakuzu-san wants to see you~," he said making stupid hand motions.

"Okay, where is he Tobi?" (yn) asked the masked man.

"In the forest, he said it was important that he talks to you about something," Tobi stated.

"Thanks Tobi," (yn) said as she walked out of the kitchen with a bounce to her step.

I got angry thinking about what it was he wanted her for, if he was going to hurt her, he has another thing coming.  I thought about following her to make sure that she was going to be fine when I stopped to think, she is a strong girl, she can handle herself.  If he tried anything with her, she would make sure he could never walk again. 

With that in mind, I went back to cooking dinner.

Your POV

What did Kakuzu want with me?  Did he find out I have a crush on him?  Does he want to tell me that he wants me to stop crushing on him?  He has to know by now that I like him.

With all of these thoughts in my head, I almost missed when someone called my name.  The voice was eerily familiar.

I turned to meet odd colored eyes and a stitched face looking back at me.

"Kakuzu you scared me!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry (yn), I didn't mean for you to be startled," he said with a sad tone in his voice.

"No, it's okay," I started, "I didn't pay attention and almost missed when you called my name.  Please don't be upset about it, it wasn't your fault."

"Thank you."

 "For what?"

"For being so nice to a monster like me!  I mean everyone who sees me doesn't seem to like me much at all."

"Well to be fair, no one in my village seemed to like me either so we are the same in that aspect."

"Really?  But you're so nice and sweet.  How could no one like you!?  I mean look at you!  There is nothing wrong with you!  I look like a monster and you look like a lily in the middle of a pond!"

I was stunned, how could he think he was a monster!?  He looks nothing like one!  In fact he is the most handsome men I have ever met!  He-.... wait ..... did he just call me pretty?

I looked up into his face, his sharp featured face that I love so much.  He then started to lean down and before I knew what I was doing I started to lean up.

Our lips met in a small beautiful kiss.  I felt like all of my worries, all of my hardships, all of my sorrows were taken away by his lips.  I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer to me.

When the kiss was broken, Kakuzu took my cheeks in his hands and looked my in the eye.

"I really like you (yn), in fact I think I love you," he said to me in a sweet tone.

"I love you too," I said to him, then leaned in for a short quick kiss.

He pulled me into a sweet embrace and I rested my head against his chest.  I could hear the steady sound of his heartbeat thumping against his ribcage.

Oh yeah, I am so glad that I joined the Akatsuki.


I have dedicated this chapter to my friend, Meg.  She was my first ever reader and I wish to thank her for all that she has done for me.  Please tell me what should be in the next chapter by commenting on this and if I should continue writing this.  Thank you for your comments and I will keep you all in mind.

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