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Today was the day, today was the day that Kakuzu came back. I waited outside of the hide out watching the trees to see if I could find my beloved boyfriend. 

Looking back on what happened this past month, it was pretty insane that I had sobbed over missing him when I knew that he would be okay.  I also got a new older brother it seems.  Kisame has been coming in my room in the evenings and comforting me saying he will come back safe and unharmed.

That was something that I always needed and loved about Kisame, that he cared a lot about the people that he respects.  He will go to the ends of the earth to find whatever you need at any given time at all.  He just had a good atmosphere around him all the time, a fun-loving one that if you got near it, you would be happy for the rest of the day.  I know most people wouldn't say that about him since he's and S-ranked criminal, but he was like the older brother I never had and he cared deeply for me.

Looking back to the woods, I noticed that the sun had almost set and Kakuzu still wasn't here.  I started to get a little worried and horrible thoughts of what could've happened rushed into my head once more.  I felt the tears threaten to fall, but I remembered what Kisame had said to me.  Kakuzu wouldn't want me to cry, he promised me that he would be back for me and never leave me alone.

Just as I was about to head inside and give up hope for tonight, I heard a rustling in the trees.  I spun around looking at what the noise could have been.

"Kakuzu?" I asked with a glint of hope in my voice.

When the person jumped down however, I realized that it was not Kakuzu at all.  He had long dark hair that went about to his waist and yellow snake like eyes with purple paint around them.

"Hello there young one," he said to me with a  creepy tone.

"Who are you?" I asked him warily.

"My name is Orochimaru, it is nice to meet you (yn)," I said while doing a little bow to me.

"How do you know my name?" I asked realizing that the man was creepier than I thought if he knew my name.

"I know everything about you my dear," he answered.

That was it.  This man was beyond creepy and needed help right now.  It also hit me that I should probably start getting away from this guy because he kept getting closer to me.

"Well it was.........nice to meet you Orochimaru, but I have to head inside because it's getting dark," I told him.

I started to head the other direction when I felt something tighten around my waist.  When I looked down I was met with the grosses sight I have ever seen.  His tongue was wrapped around me.

"Eww, let me go!" I screamed.

The grip only tighten at the sound of my voice and I was being pulled away.  I had to scream for someone, anyone.


No one came, no one would come.

I sobbed.

Hidan's POV

I was sitting in my room when I heard someone screaming something.  Who could be screaming at this time?  Everyone is already inside and done for the day so why is someone screaming?

I decided to look out the window (I don't know if they would have windows in a cave, but we will go with it.)  What I saw struck a nerve somewhere inside me.  It was Orochimaru, and he was dragging (yn) with his nasty long tongue that no one liked. 

I grabbed my scythe and ran out of my room to the front of the hide out.  I hoped that I would make it on time or else Kakuzu was going to have a fit when he found out that his chick had been taken.

When I got outside I found that I was right, she had already been taken away be the snake man.

I swore to the sky and kicked a tree down.  By then all of the rest of the Akatsuki came out.

"What did you do, un?" Deidara asked.

"(Yn) was taken by Orochimaru," I stated.  "We have to get her back."

"Get who back?" a gruff voice asked which I knew was my partner's.

"(Yn), she was taken by Orochimaru," I answered him.

There was that look that he had when someone touched his money.  He was going to kill someone and I knew it.  I started to step away a little because I didn't want my head to be ripped off again.

"We are getting her back, tonight," he stated.

Kakuzu's POV

Don't worry (yn).  We are coming to get you just stay safe for a little while.

I will come back to you.

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