Camping (Part two)

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I got into Warren's car and dumped my bag in the back seat. Warren gives me a peck on the cheek.

"Where do you want to go?" He ask.

"Somewhere far far away from here." I sigh.

Warren holds my hand rubbing circles in the back of it.


"Let's go to Portland."


"Its three and a half hours from here."


"Max, listen to me," Warren says. I turn to face him. "Please don't start to shut in on yourself. You may not realized it but I can feel it. Don't do it please."

"Warren, I am really tired. I feel like a walking, talking zombie, having to force myself to smile at people and say 'I am fine.' When in fact, its the opposite."

"Its okay Max, talk it out if you want." Warren says soothingly.

"I just... I see him and the storm in my dreams. He is dead but it feels like he is hunting me. And Chole she keeps dying..."

Warren wraps my arm around my shoulder and I lean in onto his chest. Warren begins to hum.

Forget the horror here,
Forget the horror here,
Leave it all down here,
Its future rust,
Its future dust...

I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up with my head on the window car. We were parked at a petrol station. The driver seat was empty. Warren must have gone to get lunch or something, I thought to myself. I check the time on my phone, it says two pm.

The driver seat opens and Warren gets in the car with two burritos in his hands.

"Hey, you are awake.'' Warren smiles passing me a burrito.

"Yeah, thanks.'' I took the burrito from Warren and begun to unwrap it.

There was a silence as we ate our burrito.

"Hey Max," Warren says breaking the silence.


"What sound does a sheep, a drum and snake make when they fall of a cliff?" Warren asks with a goofy smile on his face.

"What?" I ask.

"Ba dum tiss" he replies.

It was kinda stupid but it made me smile.

"I think you are copper and tellurium." I said to him.

Warren blushes and grins.

"How far are we from here?" I ask.

"About half and hour from now." He replies.


The rest of the car ride included me attempting to lose myself in horrible sing alongs and hand holding.

Finally we reach Portland.

"Okay, according to the map it should be around here." Warren traces his finger along the the lines on the map, before realizing somethings wrong, he frowns.

"Maybe you should turn the map clock-wise." I smile at him.

"Oops." Warren laughs.

We track for a bit and found ourselves at the foot of a waterfall , it was a sight to behold. I took out my camera and took a picture of it.

Warren pointed at a flat area near the waterfall, but not to close to it that it spoils the view.

Warren set up the tent and I went to gather sticks. By evening we had a tent and a warm fireplace.

After a dinner of pasta, we sat on a log by the fire and roasted smores.

I sandwich my half melted marshmallow between two crackers. Warren drizzled some chocolate on his smore.

I munch on my smore looking at the fire, suddenly having the urge to burn something.

I threw a dead leaf into the fire watching it blacken and crumble into ashes.

"You okay?" Warren asks.

"Yeah, I'm happy to be here with you and away from the town." I reply softly looking at him.

Warren smiles, and he starts to lean in.

I close in slowly my hand cradling his face.

We kiss by the campfire, I could taste the smores we ate earlier the taste lingering in our kiss.

We pull apart.

"Wow..." Warren whispers.

"Let's go to bed, its late." I say.

"Okay..." Warren says.

Warren climbs in the tent. I sat on a log observing a blue butterfly that fluttered through the forest. The butterfly rested on the other end of the log. I am sure that that was Child's butterfly.

"Stop it." I tell the butterfly. I am sure Chole was teasing me about the kiss with Warren.

I sigh and climb into the tent with Warren. The butterfly took off fluttering back to the woods.

I climb into my sleeping bag.

"Good night Max." I hear Warren say.

"Good night Warren." I sigh and closed my eyelids.

A claps of thunder woke me up. I jolt up.

Its not real Max, breath, your camping with Warren. I told myself.

Another clap of thunder and I scream, tears starting to tunning down my cheeks.

I am sorry Chole. I am sorry I couldn't save you, I caused the storm. My fault, my fault.

"MAX! IS NOT REAL!" Warren shouts.

"MAX! Breathe! Deep breath in and out." Warren continues shouts.

I found control of my lungs and forced them to breath.

Its over the storm has gone. Its over. It's over. I told myself.

When I gather my bearing. Warren was looking at me worriedly. I kissed him.

"You survived the storm." I whispered in his ear.

Warren hugs me."You too."

He hugs me through the night.

I woke up the next morning in Warren's arms. I climbed out of his arms and climbed of of the tent hoping for a breath of fresh air. I sat at the waterfall my feet kicking the water.

"Hey." I hear Warren's voice behind me. Warren sits next to me and slides his feet into the waters.

"I am really sorry about last night. If I had known...'' He says

"No Warren. It's my fault I.. I.. I..."

Warren puts a finger on my lip.

"Stop it, its not your fault." He says.

I open my mouth to say something but I was cut off by Warren with a kiss.

We sat that way for what felt like a long time.

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