Missed stops

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"And that wraps up the game!" The game director shouted.

Cheers and clapping sounds the room.

Max kissed Warren in the cheek.

The two of them joined in the cherring as. Someone pops open a champagne bottle and poured it into plastic glasses bought from the dollar store.

After the party and the celebration was over, Max and Warren walked to the subway.

"It has been insane, over the year being a voice actor." Max says.

"Haha, true that." Warren replies.

The two of them chatted on the subway.

"Are you still planning your album?" Warren asked.

"Yup. You should keep an eye out of the first music video." Max winked.

"Can I get a teaser?"


"Hey what about you aren't you gonna be voice acting in..."

The two of them chatted for a long time.

"And that's all about the butterfly effect." Warren ends off.

The subway enters a tunnel.

"Did I just miss my stop?" Warren ask aghast.

Max looks around.

"I think so..."

Warren smack himself with his hand.

Max laughed.

"Oh! I distracted you!" Max double up laughing.

The train comes out of the tunnel into an area unfamiliar to Max.

"What the shit." Max says.

"HAHAHA." Warren laughed.

Max gave Warren a glare before turning nervous.

"Where are we?" Max asks in a small voice.

"Its okay Max, we just get off the next stop and board the opposite one." Warren wheeze from his laughter.

The subway stops and they both got off and crossed over to the other side.

"I can't believe we got on the wrong train." Max says.

Warren only laughed in reply before kissing Max on the cheek.

It was reaching Max stop.

"Bye Warren. See you tomorrow." Max bid Warren goodbye.

"I'll call you." Warren says kissing Max.

Max got off at her stop.

The correct one too.

I hope you had a nice week. There is a bit of real life thing in this story. Especially with Max. Her voice actor, Hannal Tell is recording an album. One of her songs 'Hollow Glow' is out on her YouTube page. Its a rather smooth song. Check it out. ITS LIKE MAX SINGING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD MUCH FEELS.

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