Chapter 24

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Lillian's POV
I wake up groaning in pain and the memories of before come back. He hates me. I'm weak. He confirmed that. I'm worthless. A piece of crap. He's only stating what you know, Lillian. Just get over it. I breathe and then go into a coughing fit. Dad comes down and sees me in the cellar.
"Lillian? Oh my god. Why are you here?" He asks concerned and unchains me.
"Kol put me here. Dad... He hates me." I say with tears in my eyes. He kisses my forehead and I smile slightly.
"I love you sweetheart." He says.
"I love you too." I say back and hug him as tightly as I can. We pull back and my knees give out on me.
"You need blood." Dad says and I stand up but then pass out again but not before feeling a sharp pain in my head.

Damon's POV
WHO THE HELL DOES KOL THINK HE IS?! I pick Lillian up off the floor and place her on the couch. I thought they were supposed to be mates. I'm confused. I go get some blood bags and I slip the blood into her mouth. Her eyes slowly open and she smiles weakly at me.
"Dad? Where's Kol?"
"I don't know darling but stay here please." I beg.
"I have to find him." She stands up and walks to the door with me tracing behind her trying to make her stop.
"Dad stop please. This is my fault. Let me fix it." She says and goes out the door. Please be careful Lillian.

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