Chapter 6

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''I just got another vision," Uriel held his head then shook it off.

"You want to stop for a bit then?" Raphael was practicing his lunges with a wooden sword.

Uriel put down the sword and sit down. "Michael didn't deserve that."

Raphael sighed and sat in the grass. "Maybe. Father might be panicking. This isn't good."

"What if something immoral happens? What if it happens we have to strike soon?"

Raphael scratched his head, "Then I have to make up that ambush plan and fast. That axe cannot stay with Havoc and those demon children are too comfortable."

He chuckled, ''Do you know how much power we will have if we have that Axe?"

"Maybe we can just get rid of the problems in the ambush." He got up. "I'll start getting to work then. The sooner the better. Just keep an eye on those demons. Once they become a little too comfortable with strolling the Earth let me know." He swung his wooden sword around.

Uriel sighed and got up he laughed. "Eden's heart would look lovely on my sword."

Raphael walked ahead, "Don't get ahead of yourself now. If we don't plan this out right we might be the ones with the blade through our chest."

Uriel got up and sighed, ''I won't let that happen to you and you won't let that happen to me.''

Raphael smiled brightly. The two brothers walked and talked for a while.

Back in the Dark Realm, in the castle, Kokabel called his children together to meet with him in dining hall for breakfast.

The dining hall had six chandeliers hanging over a large oak table. The table was in the centre of the room. There were twenty five oak seats. The table was always polished and shone in the light of the chandeliers. On the walls hung pictures, pictures from different era's on earth. At the head of the table was a larger chair; It was where Kokabel sat.

It was a little strange because they only ate together on special days like birthdays. Greed wasn't too happy to be woken up. He was the first one sitting with his father. Kokabel tried to smile at him but Greed wasn't paying attention to him. When the other three joined them Kokabel smiled more. It made him happy to see his children all in the same room without having arguments. They sat in silence for a while then Greed groaned and got up to leave. Kokabel shot him a look, telling him to sit back down. Greed sat back down.

"Father? What have you called us here fo-" Chaos began then Kokabel cut her off.

"I want you all to know that I've been really trying my hardest since Lilith's death. I also wanted to apologize to you all...especially the twins...for not seeming acknowledging your hard work. You are both excellent fighters and I'm glad that you are my sons. I'm sorry if I have been giving Havoc more time than you two..."

Havoc was fast asleep in the chair. His head swung back with his mouth wide open, snoring loudly. He had his arm over the back of the chair and his left leg over the arm. Chaos was sitting beside him on his right side and flicked the side of his neck to wake him up. Havoc jerked up, "I wasn't sleeping! W-we were talking about food I remember. See I wasn't sleeping!"

The family laughed at him. Havoc felt a little embarrassed. Satan teleported in and was at his side. He looked down and saw it then picked it up. "I have announcement to make."

Greed looked at him with slight disgust. He was trying to keep up the tough act since he was the eldest. Kokabel looked at him, "Okay Havoc go ahead."

"The Axe known as my mother right hand is now named Satan and it has shown me the future."

They all looked at him. "The future?" Greed had his arms folded and looked at the axe.

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