Chapter 15

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"Come on you stupid thing!" Chaos grunted, trying to pull Satan put of the corner in her younger brother's room. The axe refused to move from its current spot. It had been there ever since Havoc had gone missing. "We need you to come and- oof! - help us find Havoc!" She tugged and tugged then fell on her butt. She groaned loudly, "fine! Then he will never come back and you'll just be a useless piece of whatever the heaven you're made of."

The axe turned its self over and glowed. "Please..." Chaos said.

She had been trying all to make it move all morning. She knew she was keeping everyone waiting but the Axe would be the best at picking up Havoc's presence.

The others were waiting in the throne room, ready for battle. Shamyaza was going to use some more of the hours that were left on the ring.

"Where is she? And why are you dressed like you're going to a dinner party?" Greed looked at the quiet, older demon.

"Hes dressed for his funeral," Mayhem whispered.

"Shut it you two," Azazel looked at them.

Chaos sighed and left the room, on her way to the throne room she went back to her room and got her main weapon. It had a damage rating that was similar to the Excalibur. The gun itself was the casing it was in and Chaos could control how it looked based on what she said. The case was almost as tall as her. She adjusted her poofy black skirt and put on her leather jacket.

As she was walking to meet the others Satan was hovering up the hall way. She smiled a little and the two of them went to the others. The boys had basically started an argument about how to go about retaking Havoc. Chaos pushed open the huge doors, and they stopped and looked at her.

"You took all morning to show up looking like you rolled out of bed?" Sariel said. Azazel elbowed him in his stomach.

"If you don't have anything nice to say...shut the fuck up." He mumbled.

Kokabel cleared his throat, "thank you for finally joining us Chaos and Satan, are we ready to go now?" He raised his hand and his ring opened the portal. It was a bit blurry at first and it looked like they were going to step into nothingness. The twins went first then Sariel, Kokabel and Shamayza, after he put on the ring. Sariel, Satan and Chaos went last and the portal sealed behind them.

"We will travel in parts, that will ma-" Sariel tried to sound official but was cut off when Satan suddenly dashed across the beach and into the thick dense jungle before them. Chaos ran behind kicking dirt up at Sariel. He growled a bit and the others went with her.

It wasn't long before the Angels that were on guard sensed the presence of their enemies. The group of seven spilt up; Sariel and Chaos worked together while the twins worked with each other. The axe stayed close to the Chaos. Kokabel and Azazel took one side and Shamayza, who liked to work alone took the other side.

The twins tore throw the first wave of angels quickly, their father not so much. He had a bit of a struggle. Azazel covered him where he was weak. Chaos and Sariel were a stronger team and worked together better than the others even though they often couldn't see eye to eye.

Blood splattered and Azazel tired to use his brother as a shield from it but Kokabel ducked. The deeper they went in the forest the more dangerous things got, the second wave of angels shot arrows at them. Sariel formed a shield around him and Chaos with his wings. The tips of the arrows shattered when they touched his wings.

"You okay?" He asked panting over her.

"Yeah, and your breath stinks," Chaos smiled up at him.

Sariel groaned and moved his wings once the arrows stopped coming. The twins moved forward in the direction the arrows had come. The angels they were going up against were larger and looked more threatening. Every time Mayhem cut down an angel he apologized to Eden. Greed groaned when he did, "she can't hear you you know."

Mayhem sighed, "I your back!" He flew in front of his brother and blocked the sword of an angel with his sword.

"Demon scum, come to join your brother?" The angel said.

"I have no intention to!" Mayhem screamed and forced the Angel backwards. Greed flew up and cut the angel's head off.

"You need to work on your comebacks," Greed added.

"Now is hardly the time," he wiped the blood off of his face.

Satan moved forward, one of the angel's tried to grab it but it made itself become hot. When the Angels touched it his hands were burnt. Satan then killed the Angel and kept moving forward.

Chaos stayed close behind. Soon they could see a clearing but around the grave were giant angels, they looked like mutants. They all stopped and tucked behind the trees.

"What the fuck are those?" Greed gritted between his teeth.

"How am I supposed to know idiot?" Chaos answered.

Shamyaza looked at them, "Nephilim..."

"What?" The younger demons looked at him.

"That's impossible Shamayaza those are taboo," Sariel scoffed.

"He's not wrong..." Kokabel looked at the huge being before them.

"This is impossible..." Mayhem sighed.

Chaos got up and threw down her smaller guns and the joined with the case she had. Sariel spring to his feet, "Chaos!"

Chaos smirked and mumbled something to herself and the case started changing into a massive gun. She smiled, "Sanctum deleo..." the gun started making a loud humming noise and the blood from the dead angels rushed to the gun and formed bullets. The Nephilim heard the noise and roared in her direction. "Judicium!" The gun started glowing and the blood bullets fired into the giants before her. She screamed as she held on to the powerful gun. She moved it and then summoned her wings to fly above them.

The rest of them had to hold their ears because the gun made such a loud noise. The bullets tore at the skin of the huge beasts and the rest of their bodies hit the ground. They had tried to hit her but failed. They growled and bled out before they died.

Chaos landed beside the grave and the gun turned back into a case and the two others fell out. She put them back in their holsters and looked at the destruction around her.

"You know I could've taken them on," Sariel boasted as he walked towards her.

"Yeah right, you thought I was going to die."

The rest of them ran up to the grave and looked up it. There was a tombstone that looked like it had been standing there for many many years. It read, 'Here lies the son of a whore and traitor.' When Greed read it he got made and started kicking at the tombstone, breaking it apart.

Kokabel had to stop him before he got too carried away. Sariel made his ring into a shovel and started digging up the grave. He swung the dirt back and it went on Azazel.

"Aaahhh! Stop I'm trying to clean off this horrible blood!" Azazel hollered.

"Dont be such a wuss," Sariel shoveled up more dirt and this time it landed on Chaos as she was trying to clean her face off.


Kokabel helped dig up the grave and Azazel and Chaos were trying to dodge the dirt. Soon Kokabel hit a hard spot in the ground.

Greed and Mayhem reached down and started pulling up the coffin. Chaos and Azazel were cursing Sariel and things got heated pretty fast.

"Shut it!" Shamyaza got between them.

Greed opened the coffin and saw his brother's pale, frail face. He looked even weaker than before. He saw the dagger in his chest and he took out a clothe and wrapped it around the handle. At first it wouldn't budge but then Satan threw itself down on its master and the dagger came out. Havoc gasped and everyone crowded around him.

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