Chapter 10

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The Almighty plan was going according to his plan. When Eve marries Gabriel she would be totally submissive to him. She could finally end the war and every other living being. He kept her locked up and kept her power bottled up inside. She was like a ticking time bomb. Eve had no idea of this plan or how much power she had locked away inside her She wasn't in control of herself,She was programmed to think and act a certain way if there was any mention of anything outside of what she knew it would be erased immediately.

Gabriel and Michael were still in the conference room staring at each other, Michael knew he couldn't take on his brother it would end badly but he always had a way were he could provoke his brother. Gabriel vowed to himself secretly that he would get rid of Michael when he unleashed Eve's power,Michael smiled and chuckled as he left the room. Gabriel huffed, "you better clean up the glass you shattered in your little tantrum." Michael got mad dashed in front of him and grabbed Gabriel by the throat,He held him against the wall his eyes turn white, "You think because your the eldest you get everything." He squeezed tighter, ''No matter how big and bad you may be there will be always be someone who is way worst than you." Gabriel pretended to be choking and struggling. He gasped for air and wriggled around, "Michael.. Michael I'm sorry" He smirked and stopped and looked at his brother and summoned his sword and held it to his neck. "I'm sorry you're so pathetic." Michael still had his hand on his throat, ''What ever your planning to do with Eve. I will be right there to stop you.'' "Oh aren't you just so heroic,All those letters you keep sending her? Too bad she doesn't get them. Too bad she doesn't even remember your existence. Once I marry her she will be under my total control. I'll have the ultimate weapon and a pathetic, weak, spineless fool like you won't stand a chance against me." He flicked up the blade and cut his brother's face. Michael threw him in the wall His face healed from the cut "Eve is not some weapon! What happen to the boy who loved art and music. Who had smile so bright every angel wanted to be you,How could you have fallen so far this evil that dad puts you in your head." "Don't you speak down about father." He had his sword in his brother's face. "She is whatever i want her to be I'll have father downgrade you. Don't try to play hero up here. You're only hero on earth,You're beneath me up here. Nothing but the floor i tread on." Michael took the blade from him, ''No matter how big you maybe father might just not let you marry her." "We both know, that wont happen." He smiled and the sword cane back to him and turned back into a ring. Michael sighed and looked at him ''Your day will come." He dashed out of the room.

Meanwhile in the library Shamyaza was going through book to book. He wondered about Havoc theory that humans die and The Almighty would judge them to be Angel or Fallen. Shamyaza had probably gone through the books a million times but he loved reading so he didn't mind,Since he was bound he relied mostly on his brothers, niece and nephew to get him new books from earth,The only the that Shamyaza and his brothers feared more than death was the "White Daggers." The white daggers were The almighty favourite tools to punish angel and fallen Angel when the dagger penetrates the heart of angel,The angel becomes neutralized in a torment of extreme pain.Shamyaza shuddered when he thought about it he looked through the books,He sighed and got up He needed a break.

These are the times he wished Katherine was still around, she was always so fascinating to him. He would listen to her talk all the time. He just missed the laughs the smiles,The crying all those stuff he missed it he was alone. He was sad he wasn't going to miss his nephews wedding when he heard that the wedding was going to be on earth he felt really bad about it he couldn't believe that they would do it on earth. He was bound to this darkness. He sighed and his wings flapped out,He needed a drink the only place that served the best holy water was in the center of the city. One of his wings had been damaged badly and it was permanent. It was a mark of his fall, a mark of his failure. His damaged wing mocked him. He was there drinking his holy water sulking in his pants An Fallen angel dashed in and said "A holy water please?"He was actually an old friend of Shamayza. Shamyaza looked up from his drink and smiled his friend sat beside him. His name was Lazarus. Lazarus looked on his old friend and smiled "thinking of Katherine?" "Yeah" Shamyaza said. "Its hard you know All these books but nothing can replace her." He started drinking and chuckling ''I heard from a source that the almighty holds souls with out body in a special room but I don't know if it's true" "I think you mean Hell," he smirked. "We'll maybe so Being a fallen Angel sucks." "I can search for her.." Lazarus was like a messenger he was able to move from one realm to the next He believed that neither side will never win the war. Lazarus went in his pocket and took out a ring "Here is what you asked for If the Almighty found out that this is missing He will have my head." Shamyaza took the ring and held it up to the light. He smiled, "thank you." "Be careful with this Sham,Once you put on you are able to walk the earth for 24 hours Once that time is up you are gonna see illusions." "I know." He slid the ring into his pocket. Lazarus sighed"Do think that the axe showing the future of the wedding?" Shamyaza sighed, "I don't know but I try not to worry about it." Lazarus took his last sip"I hope it goes Well I will try to make it for tommarrow."

Meanwhile Mayhem's room him and Eden just finished their sexy time Mayhem was sweating he laid beside Eden. "You ready for tomorrow?" She smiled a little and looked over at him. "Yes... I think so... I'm nervous, what if having it on earth is a bad idea?" "Well but it isnt about them I wanna have it on earth as well." She turned in to her side, both of them under the covers. She smiled and just looked at him. "I've waited so long for tomorrow.." Mayhem kissed her with passion "I waited millennium to ask you I can wait another day,Your gonna be mine." He cuddled with her and smiled

In heavenly realm They were discussing and how to crash the wedding. Eve was in her room looking out the window ,She looked at the gardens below her. They all sighed and knew what they were gonna do Michael then asked about Havoc. The Almighty looked on his sons and put the white dagger in front of them, "Put this in his heart,I have a coffin for him." Michael looked at his brothers. Uriel was shocked that he would have to come to this method,Gabriel started laughing in his mind a smile crept across his lips. Gabriel laughed, "What would we do with his body?" Raphael sighed, ''We can put this island near the Bermuda triangle no one will find him." "That's a blind spot for all of us," Michael looked at his father. The Almighty kept a straight face Gabriel smirked and took the dagger"I don't really care they are just in the way." Michael sighed and got up. "Is this meeting over?" Almighty looked on him and with the flick of his fingers Michael was thrown onto the wall"I'm really tired of your Attitude, The next outburst will be your last." Uriel and Raphael's eyes widened,Michael had been the punching bag to Gabriel and their father. Michael hated to be treated like this He fell to the ground and he looked on his brothers and father Gabriel just laughed at him,He knew then that he will never win be his fathers favouritism. The Almighty got up and raised his hand and sent Michael through the doors, "you will not take part in this." Michael was sent to the hall like a dog while he was being set he started to have flashbacks,The Almighty started blocking a part of his mind that had anything to do with the plans or Eve. Gabriel smirked and said "Waste of space " The Almighty sat back down and looked at the dagger, he had a blank expression he looked at them "round up some angels and strike hard." Gabriel smiled and got up, "as you command." Michael was now shut out from the meeting room. The doors had closed and he was walking to his room,He couldn't recall why he was put of his room or what he was doing before. His head was hurting him slightly he went back to his room and just sat on the bed. He didn't know what was wrong but he just felt empty; no one to love or appreciate him. He looked around his room tears started falling from his eyes.

He suddenly snapped he started destroying everything in his room. He tore down the curtains and ripped the sheets off of his bed. The vase that he had in his room he shattered against the wall. He flipped the mattress over and threw his clothes all over the floor. He could feel like he had lost something but he didn't know what it was.

Gabriel was walking down the hall when he heard the commotion and smirked to himself,He formed a key with his ring and locked his brother inside his room,Not even Michael would be able to open it from the inside. Gabriel smiled and the golden key turned back into a ring and he continued on with his business. He looked at himself in the mirror and smashed it he wasn't worth anything just a waste of space,The glass was all over the floor. He huffed and fell to his knees and gripped his robes,an angel wasn't supposed to be capable of feeling the way he did,his wings came out and he looked at everything,When clock turn 12 o clock in the morning it was now Halloween. Michael got up and made his say to his door hut then realised he couldn't open it. He was trapped,He started banging on his door and screaming. No one came to his rescue. Michael looked on the door and sighed he couldn't break down with his strength He just sat by the window and watched the moonlight.

Eve was in her room preparing for bed,She had put sweet smelling oil on her body,She had incense lit in her room creating a sleepy atmosphere. She felt this power inside her she looked at the glass on her bedside table ,She concentrated and broke the glass with her mind she was getting stronger, She smiled and the glass put itself back together perfectly. It was like it was never even broken. She had two pairs of wings, one pair was slightly bigger than Gabriel's and the other pair was crystal like. She was the only one with wings like that. She could choose which wings to activate. She smiled and went into the bed she started thinking of her marriage to Gabriel,She didn't know what love is.

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