Chapter 15 - I'm Falling For You

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I listened to Falling For You by The 1975 when I wrote this. It fits the song perfectly and you can never go wrong with The 1975 ;)


Alison's POV

I couldn't believe that he did all of this for me. Honestly, I was expecting just a nice dinner and a movie or something. The moonlight's reflection was shimmering on the water, the ripples bouncing off of each other making the boat move slightly.

Adrian led me onto the boat and he moved my chair to let me sit.

"After you, princess." He gestured.

I started to blush. Who knew that Adrian was capable of being this romantic! I was speechless as he sat down in front of me.

"Do you like it? I didn't want to just go for a movie and dinner, you know? But if you don't like it, I could-"

I cut him off before he could say anything else.

"This is perfect. I love it." I beamed.

He looked at me, relieved and lifted a spoon to lightly tap his cup, making a high pitched noise. I was about to question him when a waiter came out from the door holding a silver platter. I raised my left eyebrow and looked at him.

"How much did you spend on all this?" I asked.

"Not as much as you think, don't worry." He reassured me.

The waiter took the lid of the platter to reveal a fancy looking dish that I couldn't name.

"Ooh." I said, admiring the food. The aromatic scent filled my nose and my stomach growled.

He chuckled deeply. "Do you even know what that is?"

"Nope, but it smells beautiful."

We ate, talked and laughed a lot. There was so much to talk about. It was like we were perfect for each other, as cheesy as that sounded. I had only been on a couple of dates, but I already knew that this date topped all of the others combined. Adrian was one of the most genuine people I knew, and that was saying a lot. I knew that I was a lucky girl.

And when I thought that there were no more surprises left, he surprised me yet again.

"Do you have room for desert?" He asked.

"There's always room for desert." I replied as it was the most obvious statement ever.

When we finished our cheesecake, Adrian suspiciously put his arms behind his back as he was reaching out for something, but I chose not to question him.

"Wait, that actually happened to you?" I asked.

"Yep, when I was 5 my sister pushed me into a pool just because I stole her toy unicorn." Adrian laughed. "She reminds me of you, actually."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No, not at all." I opened my mouth to speak but hesitated and he took that as a sign to continue. "It's not like I think of her when we have sex though, I just meant, like you and her-"

Laughs erupted from my stomach. I realised that he was really, really nervous, which lead him to a lot of rambling, but I thought it was cute. I was surprised when I put my hand on his, squeezing on it to make him feel better. Who knew I was this confident?

"Hey. Why are you so nervous? It's just plain old me, and it's just like any other day we're together." I assured him. He sighed in reply.

"You don't get it, do you?" When I didn't respond, he kept talking. "When I look at you, there's this feeling I get. I can't describe it, but it's like you're the only girl in the world. I know that sounded incredibly cheesy but it's true. And when you smile, when you laugh. That's how I know you drive me crazy, and, that makes me realise that, I'm falling for you Alison (THE 1975 LYRICS)."

I was pretty sure that by the time he finished his sentence I couldn't breathe. My heart did a thing, and I knew that my cheeks were burning brightly.

"Wow. It's crazy, because we've only known each other for a few weeks. I didn't know it was possible to love someone so much over such a short period of time." I replied timidly.

"Wait." Adrian interrupted. He carefully tore his arm away from mine and reached behind him, slowly bringing both his arms back to mine. Feeling something box-like in my hands, I opened them to find a purple velvet box in between my fingers. I gasped, and looked up at him.

"You got me something? Now I feel bad because I didn't get you anything!" I exclaimed.

"No, don't worry about it. Just open the box." He gestured towards my hands.

Slowly, I did as he said and my jaw dropped when I saw what was inside.

It was this beautiful necklace with a gorgeous lavender gem attached to the centre. I walked towards Adrian for him to put it on me as he kissed my neck gently, putting on the necklace at the same time. Looking down to admire my necklace, I turned back to face him and stood on my tippy-toes with my hands around his neck.

"I love it." I smiled into his chest, his warmth wrapping me. I felt safe in his arms.

"That's not all." He pulled away and reached behind him again.

"Is that a padlock?" I asked in confusion. "Why would we need that?"

"Have you ever heard of a love lock?" Adrian asked.

I shook my head no when the boat stopped right underneath a bridge. We climbed out and Adrian took my hand, guiding us towards the bridge. It was such a beautiful night. There were fairy lights strung in between the bridge and it looked like we were literally inside Tumblr. The warm but icy air moved across my skin giving me chills, so I stepped closer to Adrian, feeling his warmth. We stopped in the middle of the bridge.

"Love locks are a symbol of love and commitment – a memory to treasure for a lifetime," He said as he smiled towards me. "I hope you don't think this is too soon?" 

"No, of course not. This is such a cute idea." I replied enthusiastically. Looking closer at the lock, it had Adrian and I's names carved on the lock. My fingers fiddled with the lock before Adrian took it away from me to attach to the bridge. Hearing the satisfying click of the lock, I see that there are many more love locks chained to the bridge. How did I not see them before?

"When I first came to this town I saw this bridge and I thought it was the stupidest thing eve that people actually did this, committing themselves. But that was when I didn't believe in love." Adrian said, looking up at the stars.

"And now?"

Instead of answering me he leaned in, kissing me softly. "I think that answers my question." He whispered. He continued kissing me, and things got heated very, very quickly. I was scared that I was going to do something that I regretted so I pulled away.

"We should head back now." Adrian said, and I nodded in response.

The boat ride back was perfect. Adrian lead me to the back of the boat, where there was a little area covered in throw pillows and candles. And no one understands how much I love candles. We laid side by side, with Chase Atlantic playing softly from my phone as we just talked on and on about the stupidest things. I was disappointed when it all ended.

But what I didn't expect was to come home with the police at my front door, and a very annoyed Maddy.

"Are you Adrian Black?" The police officer asked. He nodded, his palms instantly sweating against mine. "You're under arrest."

I was about to object, tell them that they had the wrong guy, I mean Adrian couldn't hurt a fly. But when his eyes looked into mine, full of regret and despair, I knew that I was wrong about him. 


This will be the last chapter for a while because I'm going overseas next week and I won't find the time to write x I'll make sure to make up for it when I'm back :)

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