Chapter 2 - Eye Candy

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Alison's POV

I hated high school. Not because I didn't have any friends, or because I didn't have good grades. But because everyone was judged and put into the stereotypical groups. If you were smart, you were a nerd. If you wore short shorts, you were a slut. That's why I didn't like the attention. But I have to say, if I wanted to dress like Maddy and have layers of make up on my face everyday, I could take the title of Queen Bee anyday.

Maddy and I got out of the car and she smiled at all her admirers. That's what she called them, but I thought the term slaves was more suitable. I rolled my eyes. In the middle of all the slaves, I saw Claire, my best friend since 3rd grade. Funny story actually, someone pushed me so I spilt apple juice on her new skull tee. She got mad at me and threw her milk in my face. Don't ask how, but we were best friends ever since.

"You can stop staring now. It's been what? 6 weeks since you saw Maddy. She didn't get more interesting in 6 weeks. If anything, she got uglier!" Claire screamed out as she walked up to me.

I started to laughed, but when I saw Maddy's glare I shut my mouth. She was caught between insanely pissed off and embarrassed. Squealing in frustration, she started strutting towards the hallway, with her group of slaves following at a safe distance behind her.

"Did you see her face! That was priceless!" I laughed.

"She deserved it." Claire shrugged it off like it was no big deal.

Claire was my only girl friend, but I didn't mind. We barely fought, and knew most of each others secrets. Claire had a rough life. Her older brother Mark had cancer for over 2 years before he passed away. To her parents, Mark was the perfect son. He got a football scholarship at a college near Ravenswood, and was a straight A student. But he was also always there for Claire. Her parents pressured her to be perfect like Mark, but he would always stand up for her. When he died, Claire's parents were never home, but when they were, they hardly even talked to her.

Claire and I were opposites on the outside, but inside we were practically the same person.

"Hopefully we have some classes with Cameron, he makes everything better." I said with a smile as me and Claire split up.

"Yeah, see you next period." she replied.

Cameron was our best friend since freshman year, when he came out from being gay. He was kicked off the football team, just because he was gay. See what I mean by everyone being judged? He announced it in the cafeteria. Cameron was always a bit of a drama queen. He stood up on the table, and just yelled 'I'm gay' in front of the whole cafeteria. Everyone gave him a hard time, and although he acted like he didn't care, I could tell that he was hurting.

A few days later Cameron was eating his lunch by himself when Claire and I sat at his table and started talking to him. And because Eastlake loved gossip, everyone started whispering and staring.

Obviously Claire, being Claire told everyone to 'go back to eating their food before she made them', which scared everyone off.

Maddy would always tease me because I had what she called 'lame' friends, but I knew that she secretly had a crush on Cameron since 6th grade, and was just bummed that he was gay. 

I walked into class late due to my period coming down all of a sudden. I swear being a girl is so hard. I found my biology class and walked towards my seat. I quickly scanned the class, looking for Cameron but saw that the odds were definitely not in my favour today. 

"Ms Jackson, you're late." Mr Coates stated. Mr Coates and I had a history, and I'm not talking relationship wise, because gross (if you saw the man, I assure you he looks exactly like the Grinch).

I was so close to making a smart comment, but I held my tongue. 
"Sorry Mr Coates." I mumbled. 

"You're a Senior now, I expect you to get to class on time." he continued.

"Yes Mr Coates." I said in a monotone.

"As I was saying, before Ms Jackson interrupted me," I rolled my eyes. He under estimated what a girl could do while on her period. "There will be a new student arriving today. He should have arrived this morning, but it looks like he's late. But when he does arrive, I will need someone to show him around. Any volunteers?"

There was no movement. Hah, Mr Coates just got rejected! That's what he deserves for calling me out.

"I see... Well in that case-"

Something pinched me, and my arm shot up. "Ow! Who the hell pinched me?!"

"Ms Jackson, mind your language. But thank you for volunteering," Mr Coates smiled evily.

"What? No, I wasn't-"

"Your opinion is irrelevant. I would've chosen you either way." Hearing a snicker behind me, I turned around to see a very proud James Collorad. That egotistical jerk. James Collorad was the most popular guy in our school. Quarterback and captain of the Eastlake Tigers, and Maddy's boyfriend. Most girls would swoon just by the sound of his name, but I wasn't most girls. I sent a glare in his direction, prepared to wipe the smile off his face when a figure appeared at the door. And by the looks of it, it was a very hot figure. 

"Is this Mr Coates's class?" said the hot figure with a faint Australian accent.


"Yes, yes it is. And you are?" Mr Coates asked.

"Adrian Black."

It looked like James Collorad would have to wait. Because I just found me some eye candy.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Feel free to comment any feedback and errors that I need to fix.

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