Chapter 53

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After what seemed like forever of packing up multiple coolers of food and trying to fit all that and everyone's beach bags in 2 SUVs,we were finally on our way to Lake Norman.

"Are we there yet?" Hayes whines from the back row of my dad's Escalade.

"Hayes, we just left the driveway." I say, frustratedly spinning the wheel to turn off of the residential street to the main highway.

"Woah there." Cam says commenting on my excessively wide turn.

"It's really hard to navigate this big ole thing." I say throwing him a look.

"Maybe you should've taken your car." Hayes comments.

"Yeah and you can walk seven miles with all of our coolers and bags because we wouldn't have fit it into my car and Nash's." I shoot back, looking in the rear view mirror to find Hayes with a pained expression on his face.

"Why did I have to sit in the back. My legs hurt." Hayes complains.

"Because you are one of the shortest ones here." I say concentrating on the road.

"Austin and Johnson are both shorter than me."

"Yeah well Maxx is taller than you and you don't here him complaining about being in the back." Jack points out.

"Thank you." I say, turning on the radio to hopefully tune them out.

I train my eyes on the road as I follow behind Nash's convertible which has the trunk overflowing with only bungee cords holding it from flying open and the contents flying all over the road.

I check my rear view window to see that Matt is right on my tail. Matt is smiling and Carter is in the passenger seat laughing along with him.

"What the hell!" I shout.

"What?" Cam says jumping up straight in his seat from his previous lax position.

"Matt is right on my ass!" I say waving my hands at the mirror.

"Hey, just calm down and speed up a bit." Cam says as I do so.

Matt quickly speeds up and soon he is back on my tail as I am too close to Nash's bumper for comfort.

"Really asshole!" I say shouting and causing Maxx to look up from his phone.

"Here, roll down the window." Shawn says from behind me.

"Stupid child lock." I mutter pressing the button while keeping a close eye on Matt behind me.

"Matt!" Shawn shouts against the wind. "Get off her bumper bro! She's gonna freak!"

"Wow, way to be subtle about it." Johnson says.

"If I said something subtle, Matt would have no clue what I'm talking about." Shawn says.

"Honestly, why don't you call him instead of trying to shout out the window while we are going 65 on the highway?" Jack says slightly annoyed.

"Yeah, I guess." Shawn says.

Shawn calls Matt, and I look over at Cam, who is somehow fast asleep.

"Gosh, I really miss being able to sleep in the car." I say, talking to whoever decides to listen.

"You and me both." Jack says patting my shoulder. "It's never quiet enough in here to sleep." He says grabbing his head.

"A little hungover?" I ask.

"Slightly. Breakfast sure did help a lot." Jack says.

"Yeah well I know a bit about cooking after a party the next morning." I say.

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