28. The dance

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I stood before the full length mirror looking at my reflection. I had chosen a black flapper dress, a black '20s headband with a black feather, black elbow length gloves and black flats. As I stared at myself I briefly wondered what a therapist might say about my all black ensemble. I mentally shook myself when I heard the doorbell chime through the house. I ran to answer it, grabbing my bag from the hallway table on the way. When I pulled the door open Alaric was standing on the doorstep wearing a white tuxedo. What drew my attention though was the black carnation that was pinned to his lapel. Fitting, I thought as I once again plastered the now familiar false smile onto my lips.

"You look lovely." Alaric commented, returning the smile with one of his own.
I felt my smile start to widen, but it didn't last long.
"Damon doesn't know what he's missing." Alaric added.

I nodded at him, "True. Well... Let's go then." I pulled the door behind me and started for Alaric's car, but he beat me there and opened the passenger door for me. I thanked him as he closed the door for me before running to the driver's side.

He started the car and we took off in silence. We were almost at the school before Alaric spoke. "So, what time is Damon meeting you here?"
"I'm not sure," I answered, "I tried calling him today, but I couldn't get a hold of him." I could hear the doubt in my voice as I talked.

"I know you're worried Jessica, but try not to. I'm sure that after tonight everything will make sense."

I looked at him in surprise, I thought I hid my self-doubt from everyone, but apparently not. I didn't really think about the second part of what he said... Maybe I should have.

We arrived at the school just moments later, as we entered the gym I honestly felt my spirits lift a little at the sight of the large room filled with happy people in costume. If my mother could see me now I was sure she would be proud. For years she tried to convince me to attend school functions, to enjoy myself but I had always refused. For a brief moment I allowed myself to pretend that I was still a normal high school girl, whose mother was at home worried over the fact that I may or may not get drunk. People were waving to me as they passed and I waved back, feeling my smile become more and more genuine.

"It's good to see you smile properly." Caroline stated, stopping in front of me.

"You really don't miss much; do you Care?" I said, smiling at her. She linked her arm in mine and led me to the drinks table. I nodded to Alaric as we left him standing there.

When we were at the table Caroline spoke in a low voice, "I see more than people realise. Like how you seem to be struggling with something inside yourself... and I don't think it's all to do with your worries about Damon and Elena," She paused, looking around us as I looked at her in shock, before continuing, "I also see how Alaric looks at you when he thinks that no one else is watching."

I felt my eyebrows raise in question as she said that last part, my gaze swinging in the direction my history teacher had gone. That couldn't be right... could it? Caroline had to be wrong... although... Something deep within me told me... I don't know what it told me, but it was like I was supposed to remember something about Alaric, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

I shook my head in disbelief before turning my attention to the door, I saw Damon enter with Elena and Stefan. Both Salvatore's were linked with the doppelganger between them.

A Fresh Start (Damon, OC, Klaus)Where stories live. Discover now